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Convert sveral netCDF files to ASCII or CSV

12 views (last 30 days)
HI all, I have 2000 files of netCDF (.nc). These files are for precipitation of my study area. I have the script which included below. I want to make this script to call all netCDF and output them as ASCII. Some netCDF files have attached too.. I really appreciate your help and time.
Thanks, Majid
Majid Mohamod
Majid Mohamod on 5 Jun 2017
Yes, GDAL is Geospatial Data Abstraction Library.
The script is suppose to work with my files. The way how I run the script as the following: 1- I combined the two files " NetCDFreader + NetCDF2ASCII" as on script. 2- I changed the fpath to the folder path wher the netcdf files are located. 3. I run the script.
The result, the script didn't work!
I am worry that the way which I wrote the fpath is not correct. I don't know if there is a specific method to write the fpath?
As I understood from your comment, you wrote that the script didn't work with you too? Please, any suggestion to solve this problem?
Thanks, Majid
per isakson
per isakson on 5 Jun 2017
Edited: per isakson on 5 Jun 2017
  • What makes you think that this FEX-submission can read and convert your files?
  • "ArcSWAT" &nbsp is that The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)?
  • What makes you think that the FEX-submission will write a csv-file that is appropriate for ArcSWAT ?
  • NetCDFreader requires that the extension is .nc. Yours is .nc4.

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Accepted Answer

KSSV on 5 Jun 2017
Dear Majid
Reading nc files is not a deal in MATLAB. It is pretty straight forward and easy. If you would have tried to read the documentation, by this time you could have solved your problem. No files is required to read the ncfiles. Just you need to know only few functions: ncdisp, ncreaad and ncreadatt.
In the below code, I am reading the precipitation data of the six ncfiles which you gave in the attachment. I am reading the begin, end date and time also. The output is taken into cells.
files = dir('*.nc4') ;
nfiles = length(files) ;
P = cell(nfiles,1) ; % precipitation of all files
date = cell(nfiles,2) ;
time = cell(nfiles,2) ;
for i = 1:nfiles
%%Read dat
date{i,1} = ncreadatt(files(i).name,'/','HDF5_GLOBAL.BeginDate') ;
date{i,2} = ncreadatt(files(i).name,'/','HDF5_GLOBAL.EndDate') ;
%%Read time
time{i,1} = ncreadatt(files(i).name,'/','HDF5_GLOBAL.BeginTime') ;
time{i,2} = ncreadatt(files(i).name,'/','HDF5_GLOBAL.EndTime') ;
%%REad precipitation
P{i} = ncread(files(i).name,'precipitation') ;
Now you can write the above data into what ever format you want.
KSSV on 6 Jun 2017
I have answered this in your new question. I was about to answer here..:)
Majid Mohamod
Majid Mohamod on 6 Jun 2017
I am going to check it now. Thanks :)

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More Answers (2)

shobhit pipil
shobhit pipil on 17 Dec 2018
Edited: shobhit pipil on 17 Dec 2018
data = [];
for k=1:length(Files)
pr=ncread(FileNames,'rainfall_amount');%name of netCDF file; 'pr' is the precip variable in the netCDF file
long=ncread(FileNames,'x'); %'longitude' is the longitude variable in the netCDF file
lat=ncread(FileNames,'y'); %'latitude' is the latitude variable in the netCDF file
for j= 716:746(lat); %1:length(lat);
for i= 328:368(long); %1:length(long);
v=pr(i,j,:); %read through all lat,longs in netCDF
outfile=sprintf('%d_%d_PCP.txt',lat(j),long(i));%name of outputfile; format is 'LATITUDE_LONGITUDE_PCP.txt'
data2(isnan(data2)) = -99.0 ; %cleanup in case the data is a NaN
data = {data;data2};
%fprintf(fid, '18900101\n');%#write the climate data starting date to header of outfile. Change '20200101' to the starting date of your dataset. For example, Jan. 1, 1950 is 19500101
fprintf(fid,'%5.1f\n',data); %formatting the data for SWAT specifications
disp([outfile 'created'])%display created file
fclose all
  1 Comment
shobhit pipil
shobhit pipil on 17 Dec 2018
Would anybody please reply to me. I am trying to extract the NetCDF pricipitation data into SWAT format. The current script is not able to write data from NetCDF to txt file from each iteration. Please help.

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javeed hamad
javeed hamad on 27 Mar 2022
HI every one!
I want to extract GHI (Global horizontal irradiation) data from NC file which include almost 3500 files for my study area, can someone please guide which script should use to extract multiple files simultaneously.
Thanks a lot, Javeed

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