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Iteration code help.

2 views (last 30 days)
Roger Vegeta
Roger Vegeta on 18 Apr 2017
Commented: Jan on 18 Apr 2017
Hello everyone, I appreciate your help. I am trying to write a code that performs iterations. I have a initial guess L=1, a function x(L) and another function L(x).
This is the algorithm I need:
(1)- calculate x(L) at L=1.
(2)- use the x from part (1) and calculate a new L using L(x).
(3)- use the new L from part (2)and calculate a new x using x(L).
(4)- if the x from part (1) is equal to the x from part (3) we are done if not use the x from part (3)and repeat the process from part (2) until the both x are equal.
Again thanks so much for the help.
Rik on 18 Apr 2017
Have a read here and here. It will greatly improve your chances of getting an answer.
This is not the place to find consultants to write code for you, but the place to find people that will help you when you get stuck.
Show that you tried and what you tried, and people will be much more likely to help you out.
Jan on 18 Apr 2017
@Rogelio Garcia: You forgot to ask a question. How can we help you?

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