Changing solution when using sparsity pattern with ode15s

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi everyone,
I have a short question concering the numerics of ode15s. I'm unsure if I can expect excatly the same results when I use the solver with and without the sparsity pattern option. So does enyone know if the solver performs different operations (when applying the sparsity command), which might lead to a small deviation in the result? Thanks a lot!
Best regards

Answers (1)

Rollin Baker
Rollin Baker on 13 Apr 2017
Hi Carsten,
I'm not totally sure if I understand your workflow, but I found a documentation page that details how MATLAB solves non-linear equations using a Jacobian Sparsity Pattern.
If I understand the page correctly, it seems like you may get a different result, but that is somewhat expected when you change solver configurations. I hope this was relevant to you. Good luck!
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Carsten Asmanoglo
Carsten Asmanoglo on 18 Apr 2017
Hi Rollin,
thank you for your answer. I also found the page you quoted, but for me it does not become 100% clear weather the solution is changed or not by applying the sparsity pattern. Regarding your second point I disagree, the soultion can change but does not need to change if you change the solver options, that depends on the numerics of the solver.

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