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Error using​ernal.Kdtr​ee/index Invalid input class.

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Error using bagOfFeatures. It was earlier working fine but suddenly it stopped. I am using custom extractor function.
extractorFcn= @calcFeatures;
bag = bagOfFeatures(trainingSet,'CustomExtractor',extractorFcn,'VocabularySize',500);
% function [T, TMetric] = calcFeatures(pic) Custom Extractor looks like this
The Error I get is:
Clustering...completed 0/100 iterations Error using vision.internal.Kdtree/index
Invalid input class.
Error in vision.internal.approximateKMeans>assignDataToClustersSerial (line 172)
Error in vision.internal.approximateKMeans>assignDataToClusters (line 153)
[assignments, dists, varargout{1:nargout-2}] = assignDataToClustersSerial(features, centers, randState);
Error in vision.internal.approximateKMeans (line 73)
[assignments, dists, isValid] = assignDataToClusters(features, centers, params);
Error in bagOfFeatures/createVocabulary (line 640)
clusterCenters = vision.internal.approximateKMeans(descriptors, K, ...
Error in bagOfFeatures (line 197)
this.Vocabulary = this.createVocabulary(descriptorSet, ...
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 22 Oct 2018
I chopped out a lot of images and was able to trigger the input class problem you mention. Unfortunately it also triggered a MATLAB kernel crash, so I am trying again.
Raju Pal
Raju Pal on 23 Nov 2019
I have faced the problem in knn search when using alexnet features
* Clustering...completed 0/100 iterations Error using vision.internal.Kdtree/index
Invalid input class.
Error in vision.internal.approximateKMeans>assignDataToClustersSerial (line 172)
Error in vision.internal.approximateKMeans>assignDataToClusters (line 153)
[assignments, dists, varargout{1:nargout-2}] = assignDataToClustersSerial(features, centers, randState);
Error in vision.internal.approximateKMeans (line 73)
[assignments, dists, isValid] = assignDataToClusters(features, centers, params);

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Answers (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 23 Oct 2018
Digging into this: that error is being triggered by the fact that the features array that vision.internal.approximateKMeans is being asked to work on is a single column; it is expecting a minimum of two columns.
I am still tracing through to figure out what the one column is at that point, and why it is not multiple columns.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 23 Oct 2018
Your exampleBagofFeaturesExtractor uses activations('OutputAs','rows'), which is going to return either a vector or a 2D array. But the next line does
which will reduce anything of less than 4 dimensions into a column vector.
There is a transpose in the next line, but it is commented out, so the output is a single column.
If the output were a row instead of a column, then that would have succeeded in the approximateKMeans -- just watch out for which dimension you are taking the feature metric relative to.
Suvidha Tripathi
Suvidha Tripathi on 23 Oct 2018
Yes, You are right. I ran the example code by MATLAB, and figured out the error yesterday. I corrected it by reshaping my array like this
features=reshape(trainFeatures,[size(trainFeatures,1)*size(trainFeatures,2) ,size(trainFeatures,3),size(trainFeatures,4)]);
This worked for me. Thank you for your time.

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Dr. Murtaza Ali Khan
Dr. Murtaza Ali Khan on 23 Jan 2019
I got the same error when my features matrix was of size M-by-1 in the custom feature extractor function. I changed it to size 1-by-M then the error did not appear.

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