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Set default folder for matlab app compiler

6 views (last 30 days)
How can I set the default folder for the matlab compiler to something other than %program files%\.. or %AppData%\..? those are the only dropdown options available
I really need to set the default to %SystemDrive%\.. (.. is the sub folder structure) as our IT folk have made working in either appdata or program files impossible.
thanks Greg

Accepted Answer

Shubham Srivastava
Shubham Srivastava on 15 Feb 2017
The only options that can be selected currently for install locations are %ProgramFiles% or %AppData% since these are the most common locations where customer installs the application. There is no way to add another path to this field. However, this is only a default location that is presented when the executable is being installed. The end user can still choose any path that they wish to install the executable in.

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