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How to flip a line upside down?

3 views (last 30 days)
Ezz El-din Abdullah
Ezz El-din Abdullah on 2 Feb 2017
Commented: Adam on 2 Feb 2017
How can I flip this line upside down:
This is my code that may not need flipud() :
x = [1 2 3];
y = [2 2.5 3.5];
Ezz El-din Abdullah
Ezz El-din Abdullah on 2 Feb 2017
Why is the 'line' a scalar object not an array?
Adam on 2 Feb 2017
Edited: Adam on 2 Feb 2017
Because it is a line object. There is only one line. Of course, it depends what version of Matlab you are using. If you are < R2014b then it will simply be a 'magic' double which you can query for the line properties.
Take a look at the output of
h = plot( x, y )
on the command line and you will see what it is. It is an object containing many useful properties of the line - e.g. colour, width, x data, y data

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Accepted Answer

Adam on 2 Feb 2017
Edited: Adam on 2 Feb 2017
figure; hAxes = gca;
x = [1 2 3];
y = [2 2.5 3.5];
plot( hAxes, x, y )
set( hAxes, 'YDir', 'reverse' ) % Or hAxes.YDir = 'reverse' from R2014b onwards
Ezz El-din Abdullah
Ezz El-din Abdullah on 2 Feb 2017
I mean it's like considering the image a paper and I would like to flip it over upside down so that e.g. the point at y=20 will be at y=70 and so on.
Is it clear now?
Adam on 2 Feb 2017
Then you probably want the above maths or something similar. If you want 20 to become 70 then just substitute 70 and 20 in instead of max( data ) and min( data )

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