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Converting a time field in a table to a usable format

37 views (last 30 days)
I have data in a table which is in the format '00:00:00:000', representing 'Hour:Minute:Second:Milisecond'.
I want to be able to have this data in a usable format so I can perform operations such as making a sub-table only consisting of entries that took place during a specified hour of the day.
I tried using the 'datevec' function with no success and would love to know if there is a function that can make the data useful.

Accepted Answer

Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins on 25 Oct 2016
Assuming you're starting out with something like this
>> x = [1;2;3];
>> t = {'11:59:59:795'; '11:59:59:936'; '12:00:00:714'};
>> T = table(x,s)
T =
x t
_ ______________
1 '11:59:59:795'
2 '11:59:59:936'
3 '12:00:00:714'
what you probably want is to replace s with either a datetime or a duration vector, depending on whether or not your timestamps have a date associated with them. I'll assume not.
You cannot currently convert from text to duration, but it's easy to get there. First create a datetime and then remove the date portion:
>> T.t = datetime(T.t,'Format','HH:mm:ss:SSS')
T =
x t
_ ____________
1 11:59:59:795
2 11:59:59:936
3 12:00:00:714
>> T.t = timeofday(T.t); T.t.Format = 'hh:mm:ss.SSS'
T =
x t
_ ____________
1 11:59:59.795
2 11:59:59.936
3 12:00:00.714
Then you can do selection operations with the duration, such as
>> T(T.t < hours(12),:)
ans =
x t
_ ____________
1 11:59:59.795
2 11:59:59.936
You have R2016a, if you had R2016b you could try the new timetable type. Hope this helps.
Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins on 25 Oct 2016
You've typed something wrong somewhere. 'HH:mm:SSS' is not 'HH:mm:ss:SSS'.
David Cynamon
David Cynamon on 25 Oct 2016
Edited: David Cynamon on 25 Oct 2016
Thank you very much, however If I run just
data.Time = datetime(data.Time,'Format','HH:mm:ss:SSS';
it compiles fine, but if I include any of the other you mentioned then that line gets thrown as an error. "Input data must be a numeric or a date/time string or a cell array or char matrix containing date/time character vectors."

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More Answers (2)

Alexandra Harkai
Alexandra Harkai on 25 Oct 2016
You can ultimately use the hour function to get the hour from the date data.
(Plus timetable allows somewhat similar manipulations, for example getting rows for a given period of time, but not necessarily for 'between 4pm and 5pm on any day', although I may be wrong there.)
By the way, is there a specific problem/error you see using datevec?
David Cynamon
David Cynamon on 25 Oct 2016
When I use datevec as so:
p = data.Time(1); %taking a time from the data. Its a cell with '00:00:00:027' as its contents
newTime = datevec(p,'HH:MM:SS:FFF');
I get informed "Failed to convert from text to date number". Have I structured the datevec wrong?
Alexandra Harkai
Alexandra Harkai on 25 Oct 2016
newTime = datevec(p,'HH:MM:SS:FFF');
seems to be working (on Windows10, R2016a) for either of these cases:
p = {'00:00:00:027'} % this is a cell
p = '00:00:00:027' % this is not a cell
What are the size and class of your p?

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Motasem Mustafa
Motasem Mustafa on 23 Oct 2020
I used to have the same issue and I have posted my question yesterday :
'' Dears,
I am using the code below to do parsing for date-time cells in an MS Excel sheet with date-time form of ( 01/05/2019 00:00) as in the screenshot below.
clc,clear,close all;
[num1,data] = xlsread('Book_new.xlsx','sheet1','A1:A30');
a=datevec(data,'dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:SS');
[status,message] =xlswrite('motasem.xlsx',str2num(yy),'sheet1','A1:A30');
[status,message] =xlswrite('motasem.xlsx',str2num(mm),'sheet1','B1:B30');
[status,message] =xlswrite('motasem.xlsx',str2num(dd),'sheet1','C1:C30');
[status,message] =xlswrite('motasem.xlsx',string(time),'sheet1','D1:D30');
When I run the code for example for the 1st 30 readings (half hourly readings) it gives me the following error :
"Error using dtstr2dtvecmx
Failed to convert from text to date number.
Error in datevec (line 123)
y = dtstr2dtvecmx(t,icu_dtformat);
Error in motasem (line 4)
a=datevec(data,'dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:SS');"
But when I change the range of data to avoid the first reading which contains the time 00:00:00 it works and gives the below output :
Any suggestions please ?
The new code that works is using readtable function as follows :
clc,clear,close all;
data = readtable('Book_new.xlsx','Range','A1:A60','ReadVariableNames',false);
A = table2array(data);
[status,message] =xlswrite('motasem.xlsx',str2num(yy),'sheet1','A1:A30');
[status,message] =xlswrite('motasem.xlsx',str2num(mm),'sheet1','B1:B30');
[status,message] =xlswrite('motasem.xlsx',str2num(dd),'sheet1','C1:C30');
[status,message] =xlswrite('motasem.xlsx',string(time),'sheet1','D1:D30');
Hope this will help you
All the best


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