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remove duplicate rows from a matrix

30 views (last 30 days)
I have a matrix of the form
A=[317.0000 282.0000 310.0000 259.0000 257.0000 305.0000 294.6667 282.0000
317.0000 282.0000 309.0000 372.0000 257.0000 305.0000 294.3333 319.6667
317.0000 282.0000 257.0000 305.0000 310.0000 259.0000 294.6667 282.0000
317.0000 282.0000 257.0000 305.0000 309.0000 372.0000 294.3333 319.6667
92.0000 166.0000 55.0000 235.0000 71.0000 173.0000 72.6667 191.3333
92.0000 166.0000 71.0000 173.0000 55.0000 235.0000 72.6667 191.3333];
I want to remove the redundant rows from A. Can anyone help. TIA.

Accepted Answer

Thorsten on 16 Aug 2016
unique(sort(A,2), 'rows')
Ananya Malik
Ananya Malik on 16 Aug 2016
Thnaks a lot @Thorsten. Works perfectly.
John Allen
John Allen on 14 Aug 2020
warning, if position in the row is important then you dont want this. ie if (1,2) is different to (2,1)

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More Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 16 Aug 2016
uA = unique(A, 'rows', 'stable');
John Allen
John Allen on 14 Aug 2020
the post title is misleading - you don't want to remove duplicate rows, you want to remove rows with the same contents, irrespective of order
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 14 Aug 2020
[~, iA] = uniquetol(A, 'byrows', true);
A(sort(iA), :) %the unique rows, in the original order

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