Interleaving columns of two cell arrays

18 views (last 30 days)
Hey all,
I have two cell arrays:
  • ca = 7x9 cell array where each cell is a block of pixels 64x64x3
  • ca2 = 7x8 cell array where each cell is a block of pixels 64x64x3
I would like to interleave the cell array by columns like so:
  • ca3 = {ca{:,1};ca2{:,1};ca{:,2};ca2{:,2};ca{:,3};ca2{:,3};ca{:,4};ca2{:,4};ca{:,5};ca2{:,5};ca{:,6};ca2{:,6};ca{:,7};ca2{:,7};ca{:,8};ca2{:,8};ca{:,9}}';
I'm sure there has to be a more programmatic way of doing this and in a more extensible fashion(where if I have more then 8/9 columns I wouldn't have to keep adding to the code).
Thanks! Hope this makes sense

Accepted Answer

Kirby Fears
Kirby Fears on 19 May 2016
Edited: Kirby Fears on 19 May 2016
Here's a function I wrote for you. It contains a subfunction to create the interleaving index. Save this to interleaveCells.m and try calling it.
function c = interleaveCells(c1,c2)
% Make index for interleaving cells
ind = interleaveIndex(size(c1,2),size(c2,2));
% Combine cells
c = [c1, c2];
% Interleave cells
c = c(:,ind);
function ind = interleaveIndex(n1,n2)
ind = NaN(1, n1 + n2);
i = 1;
j = 1;
while i<=n1,
ind(i+j-1) = i;
i = i + 1;
if j<=n2,
ind(i+j-1) = n1 + j;
j = j + 1;
while j<=n2,
ind(i+j-1) = n1 + j;
j = j + 1;
Hope this helps.
Kirby Fears
Kirby Fears on 19 May 2016
Great. I am editing in a change that simplifies the subfunction as well.

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More Answers (2)

the cyclist
the cyclist on 19 May 2016
I think this does what you want
% Your actual data here. (These are empty, but wouldn't be for your application)
ca = cell(7,9);
ca2 = cell(7,8);
% Append extra, empty column of cells, so that we can concatenate below
ca2_tmp = [ca2, cell(7,1)];
% Concatenate top-to-bottom, then reshape
ca3 = reshape([ca;ca2_tmp],7,18);
% Trim spurious final column
ca3(:,end) = [];
  1 Comment
Raphael Chazelle
Raphael Chazelle on 19 May 2016
This one works! the one below is close but not the desired output!

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the cyclist
the cyclist on 19 May 2016
Edited: the cyclist on 19 May 2016
ca3 = [ca,ca2];
idx = reshape(1:18,[],2)'
ca3 = ca3(:,idx(1:end-1));
EDIT: Fixed this to get the indexing right. Arguably a bit easier than my other solution, but basically works on the same principle.

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