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Simulink support for Raspberry pi does not cover the compute module

1 view (last 30 days)
Are you guys aware that the raspberry pi compute module has a memory capacity of 4 GB, and therefore it exists a raspbian lite version (Jessie 4.1) for it?
There's no way the modified raspbian version with simulink can be installed in the compute module.
Are you planning to do something about it???

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 31 Dec 2015
No, I was not aware of that.
No, I am not planning to do anything about it. I have never even used Simulink.
By the way, were you aware that questions on this forum are answered by volunteers, most of whom do not happen to work for Mathworks? Mathworks Technical Support does not read the questions here. If you have a support contract, you can open a technical support case on this topic. If you want to know about Mathworks' plans for future development, you need to contact Mathworks Sales department. Mathworks' policy is to not talk about future products in public; only Mathworks' executives and Mathworks' Sales are authorized to talk about whether something is going to happen or not.


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