fdatool to fpga

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Mark on 11 Jan 2012
I used fdatool to create VHDL of a lowpass fir filter with Fpass 1KHz and and Fstop 2KHz with sampling freq 20kHz.
I have a 12 bit ADC/DAC with a range from about -1.5V to 1.5V or -2048 to 2048 in signed binary. When I quantize the filter should I make the fraction length 0 so I get the +-2048 range or 10 so I get a range of +- 4V?
I am using a function generator for the input to the ADC.

Accepted Answer

Abhishek Gupte
Abhishek Gupte on 11 Jan 2012
When you select the 'Set quantization parameters' tool in FDATOOL, in the 'Coefficients' tab, I would recommend checking the 'Best precision fractional length' checkbox. In the 'Input/Output' tab, you can set the 'Input range' to 1.5 V. I think that letting FDATOOL compute the best fractional length is the right way to go.
  1 Comment
Mark on 17 Jan 2012
Thanks Abhishek,
I checked 'Best precision fractional length' for the Coefficients tab and I set my input and output range to +- 1.5V. After synthesizing and programming my spartan 3E. I got a very noisy signal.
It turns out that my filter clock frequency was 100 MHz while the sampling frequency in the FDATOOL was set to 20 kHz. I changed the 100 MHz clock to 20 kHz and now my filter works.

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