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Can a function which works well for grayscale images be applied for RGB images also?

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Can a function which works well for grayscale images be applied for RGB images also?

Answers (1)

David Young
David Young on 4 Aug 2015
In general, yes. You can either apply it to each of the R, G and B planes in turn, and then recombine the results, or you may be able to generalise the function so that it is applicable to an image with vector-valued pixels. The details depend on the function, of course.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 4 Aug 2015
tempImage = reshape(YourRGBImge, size(YourRGBImage,1), []);
now apply the encryption to tempImage. Afterwards you can reshape() the result to size(YourRGBImage)
David Young
David Young on 4 Aug 2015
Anushka - might have been a good idea to put that in the original question!
Walter - maybe your comment should be a separate answer?
I've changed the tags, by the way, as they were too general to help anyone identify the topic.

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