page that can be scrolled based on the data to be displayed
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on 14 Nov 2024
on 14 Nov 2024
I would like to create a user interface in MATLAB with a scrollable panel. The purpose is to display a list of checkboxes, where the number of checkboxes corresponds to the number of electrodes (or channels) I have. The issue is that I would like the panel to be scrollable when there are many checkboxes, but I also want the panel itself to remain fixed in place without moving as a whole.
numElectrodes = 32; % just in this case
newFigure = uifigure('Name', 'Visualize Channels', ...
'Position', [20, screenSize(4)/4, screenSize(3)/2, screenSize(4)/1.5]);
channelPanel = uipanel(newFigure, 'Position', [500,100,200,480], 'Title', 'Delete Channels',Scrollable='on');
checkboxHandles = zeros(1, numElectrodes);
scrollAxes = axes(channelPanel, 'Position', [0, 0, 1, 1], 'Visible', 'off');
set(scrollAxes, 'Units', 'pixels');
panelHeight = numElectrodes * 20;
set(scrollAxes, 'Position', [0, 0, 1, panelHeight/500]);
for i = 1:numElectrodes
checkboxHandles(i) = uicontrol(channelPanel, 'Style', 'checkbox', ...
'String', sprintf('Canale %d', i), ...
'Position', [10, panelHeight - (i * 20), 150, 25]);
set(newFigure, 'WindowScrollWheelFcn', @(src, event) scrollPanel(event, channelPanel, panelHeight));
function scrollPanel(event, channelPanel, panelHeight)
panelPos = get(channelPanel, 'Position');
newY = panelPos(2) + event.VerticalScrollCount * 10;
newY = max(min(newY, 0), 1 - panelHeight / 500);
set(channelPanel, 'Position', [panelPos(1), newY, panelPos(3), panelPos(4)]);
Accepted Answer
on 14 Nov 2024
I believe a uitree for check boxes is what you want. If you use App Designer, a scroll bar is automatically added if you have more nodes that are able to be displayed. Alternatively, you could use a uilistbox. Just make sure you have multiselect turned on.
on 14 Nov 2024
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