where can I find a typical intrinsic parameters of this camera?(Axis™ M1013 network camera at a resolution of 640-by-480)

4 views (last 30 days)
I want to run the example of tutorial :Landmark SLAM Using AprilTag Markers, after I downloaded the file, and copy all example code,
matlab showed an error : Error using load
Unable to find file or directory 'cameraParams.mat'.
the tutorial says that the images are taken using this camera:Axis™ M1013 network camera at a resolution of 640-by-480.
so please anyone give me such cameraParams.mat file?
or tell me the intrinsic parameters of this camera? All Distortion is not important, can be set 0.

Answers (1)

Aditya on 25 Oct 2024
Hi Jun Yang,
Instead of downloading files separately, you can directly open the example in MATLAB using the following command:
This is mentioned in the example documentation. You can find more details here: Landmark SLAM Using AprilTag Markers - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks India
This should help you access the necessary files and parameters without needing to manually find or create a "cameraParams.mat" file.
Hope this helps!




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