How to represent del Z in the following expession in MATLAB this Z is Z-transform ?
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Is my lines of code correct for representation of del Z ???? which is
syms z
Z = [1 z^-1 z^-2 z^-3 z^-4 z^-5 z^-6 z^-7 z^-8 z^-9 ].';
t = iztrans(Z);
function Z = Z_vector(z, N)
% Z_vector generates the vector Z(z) = [1, z^(-1), ..., z^(-N+1)]
% Input:
% z - the variable in the z-domain
% N - the number of elements in the vector
Z = z .^ (0:-1:-(N-1));
Please any modification or suggestions for del Z????
1 Comment
Walter Roberson
on 21 Oct 2024
is described as based delay but you do not appear to be using 1- anywhere in your implementations.
Accepted Answer
on 4 Nov 2024 at 7:34
According to the paper, is the based delay vector, where z is substituted by in .
You can refer to the below code to obtain by symbolic substitution:
syms z
function Z = Z_vector(z, N)
Z = (z .^ (0:-1:-(N-1))).';
Z = Z_vector(z, 10);
del_Z = subs(Z, z, 1 / (1-z^-1))
You can refer to the following documentation link for more information about subs function:
Hope that helps.
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