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Is it possible to create a distribution fit (preferably gaussian mixture distribution model) for a distribution with precalculated bincounts?

2 views (last 30 days)
The same way you can use the edges & bincounts of the bins as input to the histogram function instead of the data array.
Every function I tried (histfit, fitdist, fitgmdist) seems to necessarily need the actual data as input. The reason I can't do this is that I want the distribution bins to be weighted with different factors.
I have a data set of concrentration & mean radio carbon age for different types of carbon compounds. I want to create a histogram of the age distribution, but concentration weighted. So, when adding the mean age of a type of compound to the histogram, the bin is supposed to have the height of the concentration of that type (rather than just heigtht 1 for 1 count in the data set).

Answers (1)

Torsten on 11 Jun 2024
Edited: Torsten on 11 Jun 2024
The bincounts define a probability distribution. Draw random numbers from this distribution - they can be used as data in "fitdist".

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