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Specifying RL Environment in Referenced Model

2 views (last 30 days)
How to specify an RL Agent found in a separate Simulink model named "RefModel" and referenced in the main Simulink environment named "ControllerMultiDRL"?

Answers (1)

Shubham on 20 Jun 2024
Hi Natnael,
To specify an RL (Reinforcement Learning) agent in a separate Simulink model (RefModel) and reference it in the main Simulink environment (ControllerMultiDRL), you can follow these steps. This approach is beneficial when you want to modularize your design, for instance, keeping the learning agent separate from the main control logic or environment.
Step 1: Setting Up the Reference Model
Create or Open Your RL Agent Model (RefModel):
  • If you haven't already, create a Simulink model that contains your RL agent. This model should include the necessary blocks to define the RL environment, such as observation sources, action sinks, and the RL Agent block itself.
Configure the RL Agent Block:
  • Inside your RefModel, ensure you have an RL Agent block. This block should be properly configured with your agent (e.g., DQN, PPO, etc.), which you've either created programmatically in MATLAB or through the Reinforcement Learning Designer app.
Set Up Interface (I/O) Ports:
  • Make sure that your RefModel has input and output ports that match the expected observations and actions interface of your RL agent. These ports will allow the RefModel to communicate with the main model (ControllerMultiDRL).
Step 2: Integrating the Reference Model into the Main Environment
Open Your Main Simulink Model (ControllerMultiDRL):
  • Open the main environment model where you want to include the RL agent.
Insert a Model Reference Block:
  • From the Simulink library browser, navigate to the "Model Referencing" section and drag a "Model" block into your ControllerMultiDRL model.
  • Double-click the Model block and set the "Model name" parameter to the name of your RL agent model (RefModel). This action creates a reference to your RL agent model within the main environment.
Connect the Interface:
  • Connect the inputs and outputs of the Model block to the appropriate elements in your ControllerMultiDRL model. The inputs should correspond to the observations your environment generates, and the outputs should feed into whatever components use the actions generated by the RL agent.
Step 3: Configuring Simulation Parameters
Set Simulation Mode:
  • Ensure that both the RefModel and ControllerMultiDRL are set to compatible simulation modes. For RL, normal or accelerator modes are typically used.
Adjust Sample Times:
  • Make sure the sample times in both models are compatible. Inconsistent sample times between the main model and the reference model can lead to simulation errors.
Step 4: Running the Simulation
  • Once everything is set up and connected, you can run the ControllerMultiDRL simulation. The RL agent defined in RefModel will interact with the environment defined in ControllerMultiDRL based on the observations and actions flowing between the Model block and the rest of your system.
By following these steps, you can effectively integrate an RL agent from a separate Simulink model into your main simulation environment, facilitating modular design and potentially simplifying the development and testing process.

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