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save and read a string matrix in a .txt file

15 views (last 30 days)
i have problems with saving and reading a string matrix in a .txt file. My idea was to save username and password to be able to have the same accounts when the program is interrupted, i tried with readmatrix/writematrix, but read matrix doesn't work. I also have other file in my program with numbers and with the same system read/write matrix they work. I also tried using importdata but i can't get it work. I would really appriciate any help if it's possible, thanks you!

Accepted Answer

Avni Agrawal
Avni Agrawal on 8 May 2024
Hi Marco,
i understand that you are trying to save and read a string matrix in a .txt file. If you have a text file containing a matrix of strings (usernames and passwords), and you want to read this matrix into MATLAB, you can use the `textscan` function for a high degree of flexibility, or `readtable` for a more straightforward approach.
Below are examples for both methods.
Assuming you have a text file named `stringMatrix.txt` with the following content:
1. Using `textscan`
% Open the file for reading
fileID = fopen('stringMatrix.txt', 'r');
% Read the data, assuming comma-separated values
data = textscan(fileID, '%s%s', 'Delimiter', ',');
% Close the file
% Extract the columns to separate cell arrays
usernames = data{1};
passwords = data{2};
% Display the read data
{'user1'} {'user2'} {'user3'}
{'pass1'} {'pass2'} {'pass3'}
This approach reads the strings into cell arrays, where `usernames` and `passwords` will each be a cell array containing the respective column from the file.
2. Using `readtable`
% Read the file into a table, assuming comma-separated values
T = readtable('stringMatrix.txt', 'Format', '%s%s', 'ReadVariableNames', false);
% Convert table columns to cell arrays (if needed)
usernames = table2cell(T(:, 1));
passwords = table2cell(T(:, 2));
% Display the read data
This method reads the data into a table and then converts the relevant columns into cell arrays. If working directly with a table is suitable for your application, you can skip the conversion to cell arrays and access the data using `T.Var1` and `T.Var2`, or assign variable names during the `readtable` call to access them by these names.
Both methods allow you to read a matrix of strings from a text file into MATLAB, and the choice between them can depend on your specific needs and the complexity of the data structure you're working with.
I hope this helps.

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