n1=1.5; Vn=5.56; beta1=(table2array(beta))
a=1; b(i)=2*Vn*cos(beta1(i)); c=((Vn)^2); d(i)=-(sin(beta1(i)))^(2*n1/(n1-2));
p1(i)=[a b(i) c 0 0 0 0 0 d(i)];
Dear all:
I am going to find the roots of polynomial. Since the one parameter (beta1) of the polynomial has different values (6843 value in total, array form), so I consider to use for loop to solve the polynomial. For expample, if beta 1=36 degree, I wish to find the roots of p1; then if the beta 1=50 degree, I wish to find the roots of p1 in this circumstance, the loop will be continued as so on. The beta1 is an array and the data is attached as the mat file.
I am not sure why it always shows the indices of LHS do not match with the indices at RHS. Could our friend help me fix the error? I spend all night but I still can't solve it.
By the way, I also wish to save only the positive real number answer.