I'm using volshow to render two 3D volumes with one (V2) enclosing the other (V1).
V1 and V2 are 3D binary masks with the value of 1 inside the volumes and 0 everywhere else.
The RGB volume (V) is defined as follows.
V = zeros([size(V1) 3]);
V(:,:,:,2) = V1;
V(:,:,:,1) = V2;
Using volshow, I get the following picture, which is expected.
However, when I used the following AlphaData to render the outer volume (V2) to be transparent, the color is almost lost.
Adata = zeros(size(V1));
Adata(V2>0.5) = 0.5;
Adata(V1>0.5) = 0;
I tried a different setting for AlphaData as follows.
Adata = ones(size(V1));
Adata(V2>0.5) = 0.5;
Adata(V1>0.5) = 0;
However, the result is worse.
Has anyone had a similar problem?