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How can i create a black and white mask for my thermo image? When i run this code,my mask is just a green block but it should be white and black. Everything under 10 is white

2 views (last 30 days)
% displayCSVImage.m - Script to load and display a CSV image based on picture number
% Specify the path to the folder containing your CSV files
folderPath = '/Users/jchedjou/Desktop/THERMO';
% Specify the picture number you want to display
pictureNumber = '001'; % Change this number to select a different picture
% Construct the filename of the CSV file you want to display
% Format: 'Image099_XXX.csv' where XXX is the picture number
fileName = sprintf('Image099_%s.csv', pictureNumber);
% Full path to the CSV file
fullFilePath = fullfile(folderPath, fileName);
% Check if the file exists
if ~isfile(fullFilePath)
fprintf('File does not exist: %s\n', fullFilePath);
% Use your importfile function to load the data
data = importfile(fullFilePath, [18, Inf]); % Adjust [18, Inf] as needed
% Create a binary mask where values under 10 are set to 1 (white) and values 10 or above are set to 0 (black)
handMask = double(data < 10);
% Display the original image, the black and white mask, and the mask overlaid on the image
% Plot the original image
subplot(1, 3, 1);
axis equal;
title(['Original Image: ', fileName]);
% Plot the black and white mask
subplot(1, 3, 2);
colormap(gray); % Set colormap to grayscale for binary image
axis equal;
title(['Black and White Mask: ', fileName]);
% Plot the mask overlaid on the original image
subplot(1, 3, 3);
hold on;
h = imagesc(handMask);
set(h, 'AlphaData', handMask); % Use the binary mask as AlphaData
colormap(jet); % Adjust the colormap if necessary
axis equal;
title(['Mask Overlaid on Image: ', fileName]);

Answers (1)

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre on 6 Feb 2024
You are changing the colormap for the entire figure. You need to change it for just the specific axis. Try updating the code in your second plot to this

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