Speeding up code to refine grid points

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Luqman Saleem
Luqman Saleem on 3 Feb 2024
Edited: Torsten on 4 Feb 2024
I want to calculate following 2D integration as sums.
E and η are constants, is identity matrix of order 2, and is a 2 by 2 matrix whose elements are functions of . Tr means trace of matrix.
For small values of η, both real and imaginary parts of the integrand are not smooth (that's why integral2() fails), as shown below (real part). Fortunately, this non-smoothness appears only in a small portion of the space. To achieve a better approximation of the integration, I have decided to increase the number of grid points only around the non-smooth parts. While I feel like my code accomplishes what I want, it is quite messy. I believe that the same task could be performed much more efficiently. Could anyone please help me optimize my code? (I have tried to add comments to each line, and I welcome any questions.)
clear; clc;
% parameters
E = 4.4;
Dz = 0.5;
eta = 1e-3;
refined_by = 20; %factor by which coarse dkx will be divided
% Limits of integration
xmin = -2*pi/(3*sqrt(3));
xmax = 4*pi/(3*sqrt(3));
ymin = -2*pi/3;
ymax = 2*pi/3;
% Coarse grid points
dkx = 0.01;
dky = dkx;
kxs = xmin:dkx:xmax;
kys = ymin:dky:ymax;
NBZx = length(kxs);
NBZy = length(kys);
% calculating sums with coarse grid
coarse_values = zeros(NBZx,NBZy);
parfor ikx = 1:NBZx
kx = kxs(ikx);
for iky = 1:NBZy
ky = kys(iky); %#ok
coarse_values(ikx,iky) = fun(kx,ky,E,Dz,eta);
I_coarse = sum(coarse_values(:))*dkx*dky; %answer with coarse grid
% calculating a threshold
Real_coarse_values = real(coarse_values); %taking only the real part
% Deciding a threshold number. A dense grid will be taken
% around the grid points for which integrant's absolute values is above
% threshold:
threshold = ( max(Real_coarse_values(:)) - min(Real_coarse_values(:)) )/100;
% the values that abe within range of threshold:
okay_coarse_values = coarse_values;
okay_coarse_values(abs(Real_coarse_values) > threshold) = 0;
% contribution of these values to the total integration:
I_okay_coarse = sum(okay_coarse_values(:))*dkx*dky;
% finding location of grid points which needs refinement
[xx,yy] = find(abs(Real_coarse_values) > threshold);
List = [xx,yy];
List = sortrows(List,1);
%this is list of all points (of coarse grid) that with be refined.
LList = length(List);
% refined grid points and calculating sums with refined grid
new_dkx = dkx/refined_by;
new_dky = new_dkx;
new_kxs = xmin:new_dkx:xmax;
new_kys = ymin:new_dky:ymax;
new_NBZx = length(new_kxs);
new_NBZy = length(new_kys);
% I plan to got to each k-point in List one and one and then calculating
% the corresponding refined k-points as:
refine_values = zeros(new_NBZx,new_NBZy);
for iList = 1:LList
fprintf('iList/LList: %d/%d.\n',iList,LList);
xList = List(iList,1); %kx coarse value
yList = List(iList,2); %ky coarse value
% correspoding kx and ky points in new refined grid are:
xs = refined_by*xList - 2*refined_by + 1 : refined_by*xList + 1;
ys = refined_by*yList - 2*refined_by + 1 : refined_by*yList + 1;
%discarding the points which lie outside the new_kxs and new_kys arrays
xs(xs<1 | xs>new_NBZx ) = [];
ys(ys<1 | ys>new_NBZy ) = [];
%evaluating fun at refined points:
for ix = xs
kx = new_kxs(ix);
for iy = ys
ky = new_kys(iy);
refine_values(ix,iy) = fun(kx,ky,E,Dz,eta);
I_refined = sum(refine_values(:))*new_dkx*new_dky;
total_refined = I_okay_coarse + I_refined;
fprintf('Coarse: %0.4f, Refined: total_refined: %0.4f \n',I_coarse,total_refined);
% function
function out = fun(kx,ky,E,Dz,eta)
J = 1;
S = 1;
h0 = eye(2)*(3 * J * S);
hx = [0, 1; 1, 0]*(-J * S * (cos(ky / 2 - (3^(1/2) * kx) / 2) + cos(ky / 2 + (3^(1/2) * kx) / 2) + cos(ky)));
hy = [0, -1i; 1i, 0]*(-J * S * (sin(ky / 2 - (3^(1/2) * kx) / 2) + sin(ky / 2 + (3^(1/2) * kx) / 2) - sin(ky)));
hz = [1, 0; 0, -1]*(-2 * Dz * S * (sin(3^(1/2) * kx) + sin((3 * ky) / 2 - (3^(1/2) * kx) / 2) - sin((3 * ky) / 2 + (3^(1/2) * kx) / 2)));
H = h0 + hx + hy + hz;
out = trace( inv( (E+1i*eta)*eye(2) - H ) );
Luqman Saleem
Luqman Saleem on 4 Feb 2024
@Torsten thank you so much clarification. I have just one more question. In you example, if we define "x" as x = linspace(0,1,10), and dx = x(2)-x(1). Then we don't need to to calculate x_half. Am I correct?
Torsten on 4 Feb 2024
Edited: Torsten on 4 Feb 2024
x_half are the cell centers of the x-grid. You need them to evaluate your function at these values.
Here is an explanation how to use the so called "midpoint rule" for 2d-integration:

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