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Vehicle Network Toolbox Value Table Use

2 views (last 30 days)
Min on 30 Jan 2024
Edited: Min on 6 Feb 2024
Hi, I have been decoding this CAN message using DBC file which contains meanings of each message; for example, 1 is on and 0 is off.
This information is under canDB (DBC file information) -> Message info -> signal info -> Value Table.
canDB = canDatabse (example_dbcfile)
There is a function to create a canMessageTimetable as in a timetable with only values (1 and 0) but don't see any functions or ways to create a timetable to saw (on or off) using the value table.
Is there a way to create a timetable using this value table automatically for each CAN message?

Accepted Answer

Harimurali on 6 Feb 2024
Edited: Harimurali on 6 Feb 2024
Hi Min,
A timetable that shows "on" or "off" instead of 1 or 0 can be created using the value table defined in the DBC file by writing a MATLAB script. The script decodes the raw data based on the value table and then creates a new timetable with the decoded values. Here is an example MATLAB script to do the same:
% Load the DBC file
candb = canDatabase("example_dbcfile.dbc");
% Assume canMsgs is a variable containing your raw CAN messages
% Create a canMessageTimetable from the raw CAN messages
canTimetable = canMessageTimetable(canMsgs, candb);
% Initialize a cell array to hold the decoded messages
decodedMessages = cell(size(canTimetable, 1), 2);
decodedMessages(:, 1) = {candb.MessageInfo.Name};
for i = 1:numel(candb.Messages)
message = candb.MessageInfo(i);
signals = canTimetable.Signals{i};
% structure to store the decoded values for each signal for a given message
sigVal = struct();
for j = 1:numel(message.Signals)
signal = message.SignalInfo(j);
rawValues = num2cell(signals.(signal.Name));
if numel(rawValues) ~= 0
decodedValues = cell(numel(rawValues), 1);
decodedValues = cell(numel(rawValues) + 1, 1);
% Check if the signal has a value table
if ~isempty(signal.ValueTable)
for k = 1:length(rawValues)
% Decode based on value table
decodedValues{k} = signal.ValueTable(rawValues(k));
% If no value table, just copy the raw values
decodedValues = rawValues;
% Store the decoded values in the structue
sigVal.(signal.Name) = decodedValues;
decodedMessages{i, 2} = sigVal;
% Create a new timetable with the decoded values
decodedTimetable = array2timetable(decodedMessages, 'RowTimes', canTimetable.Time);
% Add variable names to the timetable
decodedTimetable.Properties.VariableNames = [, "MessageName", "SignalInfo"];
Refer the following documentation for more information on CAN "canMessageTimeTable" and it's format:
  1 Comment
Min on 6 Feb 2024
Edited: Min on 6 Feb 2024
Hi Harimurali, thanks for the info! I am sorry but I forgot to take this question down since I was able to complete/solve the issue by creating a timetable based on number of messages, variable type, and automate based on variable names; then create double for loop ro run using 'valueTableText'.
Thanks for your time though! :) I will accept this as an answer and also share my code here for anyone to use.
numMsg = height(; %Can be stand alone/used in all signal since the time height are the same?
data_numberofmessage = width(;
data_numberofstrings = repmat({'string'}, 1, data_numberofmessage);
data_columnNames =;
app.data_Status = timetable('Size',[numMsg data_numberofmessage],'VariableTypes',data_numberofstrings,'RowTimes',,'VariableNames', data_columnNames);
for ii = 2:numel(data_columnNames)
for iii = 1:numMsg
app.data_Status.(data_columnNames{ii})(iii) = valueTableText(canDB,"data", data_columnNames{ii},{ii})(iii));

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