Option to export to "CARLA (.udatasmith, .xodr)" is disabled.

16 views (last 30 days)
I have already installed the plugins to Unreal. I am running on Ubuntu 20.04, and have built UE4 and CARLA from scratch. The documentation says that is what is required to be able to export this way, yet the option remains disabled.
I have a suspicion that this has something to do with not being in Windows? Might my RR install (R2023b) be unaware of the plugins installed into UE4?

Answers (1)

Shivam on 6 Feb 2024
Hi Derek,
From the provided information, I understand that you are getting the option CARLA(.udatasmith, .xodr) disabled while trying to export the RoadRunner scene.
You can try the following workaround after installing the necessary plugins mentioned in the documentation:
  1. Try the CARLA(.fbx, .xodr, .rrdata.xml) export option from the RoadRunner toolbar.
  2. You can also try exporting to OpenDRIVE(.xodr) and take it to CARLA (as it has rich support for open standards).
You can refer to the following documentation of CARLA Simulator, which covers the step-wise process of exporting the RoadRunner scene to CARLA:
I hope it helps.
  1 Comment
Derek on 8 Feb 2024
Thanks @Shivam. I can confirm that your work-around does work. The CARLA export without the plugin does work. But I am trying to evaluate the plugin itself. So I am wondering what I can do to actually be able to use it.

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