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Fitting model to data set by estimating parameters

4 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to estimate the parameters in a model which is based on a system of ordinary differential equations. I have tried the following, but there is something wrong with my method. Here is some of the code for context
t = time;
T_exp = data(1,:);
I_exp = data(2,:);
p = 2.23 * 10 ^ - 2;
c = 0.1;
T0 = 10000;
I0 = 0;
V0 = 0.05;
initial_values = [T0; I0; V0];
beta_initial_guess = 10 ^- 5;
delta_initial_guess = 0.04;
estimated_params = fminsearch(@(params) objective_function(params, t, initial_values, T_exp, I_exp), [beta_initial_guess, delta_initial_guess])
function error = objective_function(params, t, initial_values, T_exp, I_exp)
beta = params(1);
delta = params(2);
p = 2.23 * 10 ^ - 2;
c = 0.1;
[tSol, YSol] = ode45(@(t, Y) virus_solver(t, Y, beta, delta, p, c), t, initial_values);
% Model predictions
T_model = YSol(:, 1);
I_model = YSol(:, 2);
% Calculate the objective function (sum of squared differences)
error = sum((T_model - T_exp).^2) + sum((I_model - I_exp).^2);
function dYdt = virus_solver(t, Y, beta, delta, p, c)
T = Y(1);
I = Y(2);
V = Y(3);
dTdt = -beta * V * T;
dIdt = beta * T * V - delta * I;
dVdt = p * I - c * V;
dYdt = [dTdt; dIdt; dVdt];
Unrecognized function or variable 'beta_true'.
The error i am getting with this code is :
Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left
side is 1-by-1 and the size of the right side is 1-by-28.
Error in fminsearch (line 209)
fv(:,1) = funfcn(x,varargin{:});
Error in exercise_3_4_4 (line 24)
estimated_params = fminsearch(@(params) objective_function(params, t, initial_values, T_exp, I_exp), [beta_true, delta_true]);
Is this a good approach to estimate the parameters? Or am thinking about this all wrong.

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 10 Dec 2023
The calculated ‘YSol’ should return a (Nx3) matrix where ‘N’ equals ‘numel(t)’ so if it does not, you need to determine the reason. Common problems include ode45 (in this instance) stopping because it has encountered a singularity or other significant discontinuity, and returning a matrix that does not have the same row size as the data. I would need ‘data.mat’ to see what the problem is. (I have written a number of these sorts of parameter estimation solutions.)
Determining what the problem is requires running the code, and that requires ‘data.mat’.
Oskar on 13 Dec 2023
Thank you very much for that explaination. It solved the problem.

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