ContextMenuOpeningFcn event data not containing the correct right-clicked item (a Matlab bug?)

2 views (last 30 days)
I'm using a context menu in App Designer that should open and display different options based on the item clicked within a listbox.
I was happy to find out that in Matlab 2023b, ContextMenuOpeningFcn callback has additional event data when the callback is associated with a context menu on a UI component:
ContextObject - Object that the app user right-clicked to open the context menu
InteractionInformation - Information about where in the component the app user right-clicked to open the context menu, such as the cell of a table.
However, when assigning the context menu to a ListBox, the 'InteractionInformation' property contains only an 'Item' field which matched the selected item in the listbox. To be clear - the selected item is not necessarility the right-clicked item.
I think this is a bug in the event data behavior - the most logical 'InteractionInformation.Item' value would be to point at the index of the right-clicked item.
Any suggestions for a way around it?

Answers (1)

Yatharth on 7 Dec 2023
Hi Zachi!
I understand that you want l 'InteractionInformation.Item' value to point at the index of the right-clicked item in the ListBox and not the Item selcted.
As per the MATLAB documentation, your expected behavior is precisely as described.
I tried reproducing the issue at my end. As you can see the Item selected is 2 but I clicked on Item 4 and it showed the correct Item Number
Here is the code for the same, Make sure you are using R2023b
function ContextMenuOpening(app, event)
data = event.InteractionInformation;
app.TextArea.Value = string(data.Item);
I hope this helps!
  1 Comment
Zachi on 10 Dec 2023
Edited: Zachi on 10 Dec 2023
Thank you,
I have validated your solution to work in a similar simple example, however it is not working in my case.
I have found the differentiating factor - if the Item text is html then the event.InteractionInformation.Item value will be the index of the selected item and not the right-clicked one.
Unfortunately, in my case I need to apply different styling within each item so I can't replace the html text with plain text :(
I also tried to assign plain text to the items and them it works like a charm.

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