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Error : Failed to start subscriber for topic name /pose and message type std_msgs/Int32.【MATLAB Unity communication】

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I’m trying to do Unity MATLAB connection by using ROS.
I was able to communicate well with the PoseMsg structure, but not with others.
I got an error when I run this script at MATLAB.
poseSub = rossubscriber('pose', 'DataFormat', 'struct')
Error message is below
Warning: Error occurred while shutting down the ROS subscriber.
Caused by:
Subscriber 2039 already stopped.
> In ros/Subscriber/delete (line 361)
In ros.Subscriber (line 216)
In rossubscriber (line 103)
Warning: Error occurred while removing the ROS subscriber.
Caused by:
Subscriber still active: 2039
> In ros/Subscriber/delete (line 368)
In ros.Subscriber (line 216)
In rossubscriber (line 103)
Failed to start subscriber for topic name /pose and message type std_msgs/Int32.
On the other hand, Unity C# script is below
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Robotics.ROSTCPConnector;
using RosMessageTypes.Geometry;
using RosMessageTypes.Std;
using System;
public class RosPublisher : MonoBehaviour
ROSConnection ros;
public string topicName = "pose";
public GameObject obj;
public float publishMessagePeriod = 0.5f;
private float timeElapsed;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
ros = ROSConnection.GetOrCreateInstance();
// Update is called once per frame
private void Update()
timeElapsed += Time.deltaTime;
if (timeElapsed > publishMessagePeriod)
Int32Msg pose = new Int32Msg(100);
// Finally send the message to running in ROS
ros.Publish(topicName, pose);
timeElapsed = 0;
Hari Krishna Kakarla
Hari Krishna Kakarla on 6 Nov 2023
Thanks for reaching out to us. I see that you are publishing a message of type std_msgs/Int32Msg but you are using topic name as /pose which is little confusing.
What I suspect is, you might be using the same topic for geometry_msgs/PoseMsg as well and the publiser of it is already running? May be that's why it is working for you for the PoseMsg and not for the others.
I am just assuming this by looking at your C# script. Your logic looks correct but topic name and object name is confusing. Please give some other topic name for this msg type Int32Msg and change the object name in the C# script as well. That should solve the problem.
If you are still getting the same error, please give me some more information, i.e. please share the C# scripts of your PoseMsg and Int32Msg and let me know what are all the things you are executing in Unity.

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