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How to stack-up multiple cases in z axis?

3 views (last 30 days)
I would like to change multiplier term from 1 to 50 with a step of 1 and plot all the shaded area by stacking all the cases up in z axis. Different cases could have different shaded area color to distinguish.
x(1) = 0 ;
y(1) = 0 ;
multiplier = 50 ;
for i = 1 : 1 : 99
x(i+1) = i^2 ;
y(i+1) = multiplier * i ;
iv = 1:numel(x);
Lv = x <= y;
hold on
hold on
patch([iv(Lv) flip(iv(Lv))], [x(Lv) flip(y(Lv))], 'g')
grid on
Aditya Zade
Aditya Zade on 28 Sep 2023
Edited: Aditya Zade on 28 Sep 2023
The shaded area may look something like this. The semicircular area would get narrower as multiplier becomes low.
Aditya Zade
Aditya Zade on 28 Sep 2023
I have plotted for two cases when multiplier = 40 and 50, but have done in only xy axes.

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Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 28 Sep 2023
x(1) = 0 ;
y(1) = 0 ;
zm = NaN(2,200);
multiplier = 50 ;
hold on
for i1 = 1:2
multiplier(i1) = 40 + 10*(i1-1);
for i = 1 : 1 : 99
x(i+1) = i^2 ;
y(i+1) = multiplier(i1) * i ;
iv = 1:numel(x);
Lv = x <= y;
zm(i1,:) = [x y];
plot3(iv, x, ones(size(iv))*multiplier(i1))
% hold on
plot3(iv, y, ones(size(iv))*multiplier(i1))
% figure(1)
patch([iv(Lv) flip(iv(Lv))], [x(Lv) flip(y(Lv))], [ones(size(x(Lv)))*multiplier(1) ones(size(flip(y(Lv))))*multiplier(i1)], 'g', 'EdgeColor','none')
hold off
grid on
This is difficult to do with a patch plot. A surf plot wopuld be easier. The problem is that the numbers of elements in both plots would have to be the same, and this would likely require using interp1 to make their sizes equal.
Aditya Zade
Aditya Zade on 28 Sep 2023
Its not necessary to use patch. You can let me know what would be a better option.
Star Strider
Star Strider on 28 Sep 2023
I suggested surf.
For example, since you are interested in a half-cone with unequal ends —
x = [1;1].*linspace(0, 1, 25);
y = [1.5;1;1.5;1].*[sin(pi*x); cos(pi*x)];
z = [2;1].*ones(size(x));
cm = turbo(2);
surf(y([1 2],:), y([3 4],:), z, 'FaceColor','interp', 'EdgeColor','interp')
hold on
surf(y([1 2],[1 end]), y([3 4],[1 end]), z(:,[1 end]), 'FaceColor','interp', 'EdgeColor','interp')
patch(y(1,:), y(3,:), z(1,:), cm(2,:), 'EdgeColor',[1 1 1]*0.25) % Upper Surface
patch(y(2,:), y(4,:), z(2,:), cm(1,:), 'EdgeColor',[1 1 1]*0.25) % Lower Surface
hold off
title('Expanding Closed Half Cone')
Rotate it to see that the upper and lower surfaces are closed with patch plots in the appropriate colours. Change the radial dimensions (the 4-element column vector in ‘y’) to change its shape. The rest of the code should adapt to those changes.

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