How to surf very small values keeping the same ratio?
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Alexandra Roxana
on 11 Jun 2023
Commented: Torsten
on 12 Jun 2023
I'm having a solution with very small values and I need to surf it; this is how a part of the solution looks like:
I'm also using the same aspect ratio and because the values are so small the surf looks like a 2D plot.
It should look as if I would take a pencil and a piece of paper and I would draw it. Is there any way to keep the same aspect ratio but not to look like in the figure? Thank you.
Accepted Answer
John D'Errico
on 11 Jun 2023
I THINK what you are asking is how to make the surface show there is little variation in z. I'll make up an example...
[X,Y] = meshgrid(0:5,0:6);
Z = (X+Y)*1e-3;
box on
And it looks like the surface is doing something significant, when really, it is pretty boring. I'll redo the plot, then add one extra call now.
box on
axis equal
So viewed from the same angle, now we see that one of the surfaces is pretty boring, yet the first looks as if something is happening. The difference was the "axis equal" command.
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