How to reduce valid coin mask true pixels outside valid coins?

3 views (last 30 days)
Hi, I need help for the valid coins segementation. I struggle to resolve the error: Your valid coin mask has one or more true pixels outside valid coins. I have try more than 30 attempts but still don't get to resolve the error. I don' t know where is my code went wrong. I even try many times to adjust the dilate and erode values and find circles values, but still not resolve the error.
[testcoinMask,MaskedtestCoin] = segmentCoinFace(testCoinImage);
se = strel("disk", 25, );
testcoinMask = imfill(testcoinMask, "holes");
testcoinMask = imerode(testcoinMask, se);
imgFilt = imgaussfilt(MaskedtestCoin, 1, "Padding", "circular","FiltterDomain,"Frequency","FilterSize",3);
faceEdgeMask = edge(imgFilt, "sobel", 0.04, "both");
faceEdgeMask(~testcoinMask) = false;
seFE = strel("disk",60,0);
fEdgeMask = imfill(faceEdgeMask, "holes");
BW2 = imdilate(fEdgeMask,seFE);
validCoinMask = BW2 & testcoinMask;
se2 = strel("disk",65,0);
validCoinMask = imdilate(validCoinMask, se2);
[centers,radii] = imfindcircles(validCoinMask,[105,150]);
coinProps = regionprops("table",validCoinMask,"Area","Perimeter","Centroid");

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 25 May 2023
Don't use imfindcircles. Use bwareafilt to select only a certain number of blobs, or blobs in a certain size range.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 12 Jul 2023
@Ahsan please start your own new dicsussion thread and attach your "testCoinImage3.png" image and m-file with the paperclip icon. By the way, the call to imadjust is not needed and just slows it down.

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