result in table format or excel format
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I am using following code:
command='netstat -e'
cmdout =
'Interface Statistics
Received Sent
Bytes 4178033452 510183200
Unicast packets 124836 2463020
Non-unicast packets 30732 38568
Discards 0 0
Errors 0 0
Unknown protocols 0
The cmdout is char file (1x371).
I wish to get this data in table form (row x column) or in excel format or as matrix. Please guide. Thank you in advance
on 30 Dec 2022
What have you tried so far yourself? Splitting the char on newlines is the easiest part, but splitting the char to columns should not be too hard either.
Accepted Answer
on 31 Dec 2022
Edited: Stephen23
on 31 Dec 2022
cmdout = fileread('cmdout.txt') % fake data
hdr = regexp(cmdout,'^\s*(\S+\s\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)','tokens','once');
tkn = regexp(hdr{end},'(\S+(\s\S+)*)\s+(\d+(\s+\d+)*)','tokens');
Method one: UINT64:
tmp = vertcat(tkn{:});
mat = sscanf(sprintf(' %s',tmp{:,2}),'%lu',[2,Inf]).';
tbl = array2table(mat, 'RowNames',tmp(:,1), 'VariableNames',hdr(2:end-1))
Method two: DOUBLE:
tmp = regexprep(vertcat(tkn{:}),'^\d+$','$& NaN');
tbl = array2table(str2double(split(tmp(:,2))), 'RowNames',tmp(:,1), 'VariableNames',hdr(2:end-1))
More Answers (2)
Eric Sofen
on 30 Dec 2022
Moved: Rik
on 30 Dec 2022
It's a little circuitous, but you can use writelines to write the char vector to a text file, then use the power of readtable to parse it into a table in MATLAB.
Jeremy Hughes
on 31 Dec 2022
This was introduced in R2022a, so you might be using an earlier version, (or missing the "s" at the end).
Walter Roberson
on 30 Dec 2022
You have fixed-width columns. Use array indexing:
topic = string(cmdout(5:end, 1:22));
received = double(string(cmdout(5:end, 23:35)));
sent = double(string(cmdout(5:end, 36:end)));
T = table(topic, received, sent);
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