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Macbook arm M1/M2 chip support

88 views (last 30 days)
David Kotyk
David Kotyk on 31 Oct 2022
Commented: Steven Lord on 15 Nov 2023
Will matlab be reprogramed for M1/M2 arm chips? Alot of engenners are buying these laptops and running the x86 version is alittle buggy
T Bui
T Bui on 20 Jun 2023
R2023b is released today 20th Jun with core Matlab and Simulink natively supported on Apple Silicon. Let's check and see
Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 20 Jun 2023
No, release R2023b has not yet been released. The Prerelease of release R2023b is available, but as with any Prerelease please send any questions or feedback related to a Prerelease version of MathWorks products to Technical Support directly instead of posting them to MATLAB Answers.

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Answers (1)

Mike Croucher
Mike Croucher on 31 Oct 2022
Yes. It is in development now. There was a beta released a few months ago that is no longer available Exploring the MATLAB beta for Native Apple Silicon » The MATLAB Blog - MATLAB & Simulink ( but a new beta will be available to try out soon.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 15 Nov 2023
R2023b has a native Apple Silicon version, except for Polyspace related products.
Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 15 Nov 2023
From the Release Notes for release R2023b: "You can run MATLAB and Simulink® natively on MacBook computers with Apple silicon."

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