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How can I simulate Pulse Radar and Antenna Design in Matlab?

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Model the jamming system of the EH Self Protection System in a fighter aircraft with an RCS of 10 m2 and 4 different pulsed threat radars with operating frequencies varying in the range of 8-12 GHz. Design the antenna for the mixer separately in the MATLAB application and use the pattern of this antenna in the simulation. Detection of J/S and fighter for 2 different strengths of interference made by EH Self Protection System for each radar. Perform a MATLAB simulation where the burn-through distance is calculated.

Answers (1)

Abhimenyu on 7 Jun 2024
Modeling a jamming system for an Electronic-Harassment (EH) Self Protection System in a fighter aircraft, especially against multiple threat radars involves several steps and requires a comprehensive understanding of electronic warfare (EW), radar systems, and signal processing. Please follow the below-given high-level guide to approach this problem using MATLAB:
1. Define Parameters:
% Define radar parameters
RCS = 10; % m^2
freqs = linspace(8e9, 12e9, 4); % Threat radar frequencies in Hz
c = 3e8; % Speed of light in m/s
% Calculate radar wavelength
lambda = c ./ freqs;
% Radar and jamming power parameters
Pt = 1e3; % Radar transmit power in Watts
Gt = 30; % Radar antenna gain in dB
Gr = 30; % Radar receiver antenna gain in dB
Pj = [1e1, 1e2]; % Jammer power in Watts (2 different strengths)
Gj = 10; % Jammer antenna gain in dB
sigma = RCS; % Radar cross-section in m^2
% Convert gains from dB to linear scale
Gt = 10^(Gt/10);
Gr = 10^(Gr/10);
Gj = 10^(Gj/10);
2. Design Antenna:
  • Use the Antenna Toolbox in MATLAB to design an antenna for the mixer. Simulate the radiation pattern of this antenna. You can adjust the antenna design parameters to suit the specific requirements of the EH Self Protection System. Follow this MATLAB R2024a documentation link to learn more about the Antenna toolbox:
% Antenna design using Antenna Toolbox
antenna = design(patchMicrostrip, freqs(1)); % Design for the first frequency
pattern(antenna, freqs(1));
% Store the radiation pattern
theta = -180:180; % Define theta angles
phi = 0; % Phi angle
patternData = pattern(antenna, freqs(1), theta, phi);
3. Model Jamming System:
  • Define the threat radar characteristics using the radar equation as given by the previous help link. Calculate the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and Jamming-to-Signal Ratio (J/S). The SNR value can be adjusted based on the radar's detection sensitivity. Then simulate the jamming effectiveness for different strengths of interference.
% Calculate the distance R at which the radar can detect the aircraft
% without jamming
R = @(Pt, Gt, Gr, lambda, sigma, SNR) ((Pt * Gt * Gr * lambda.^2 * sigma) ./ ...
((4 * pi)^3 * SNR)).^(1/4);
% Calculate the Jamming-to-Signal ratio (J/S)
JS = @(Pj, Gj, Gt, R) (Pj * Gj) ./ (Pt * Gt * R.^2);
% Assume a typical SNR for detection
SNR = 10; % 10 dB
% Calculate detection ranges without jamming for each radar frequency
R_no_jamming = R(Pt, Gt, Gr, lambda, sigma, SNR);
disp('Detection ranges without jamming:');
Detection ranges without jamming:
5.1595 4.7768 4.4683 4.2127
4. Burn-Through Distance Calculation:
  • Determine the range at which the radar can detect the aircraft despite jamming (burn-through range). Visualise the results
% Calculate burn-through distances with jamming for each radar frequency
burn_through_distances = zeros(length(Pj), length(freqs));
for i = 1:length(Pj)
for j = 1:length(freqs)
burn_through_distances(i, j) = R(Pt, Gt, Gr, lambda(j), sigma, SNR) / ...
sqrt(JS(Pj(i), Gj, Gt, R_no_jamming(j)));
disp('Burn-through distances with jamming:');
Burn-through distances with jamming:
1.0e+03 * 2.6621 2.2818 1.9965 1.7747 0.8418 0.7216 0.6314 0.5612
% Visualization of burn-through distances
hold on;
for i = 1:length(Pj)
plot(freqs/1e9, burn_through_distances(i, :), '-o', 'DisplayName', ...
['Jammer Power = ', num2str(Pj(i)), ' W']);
xlabel('Frequency (GHz)');
ylabel('Burn-through Distance (m)');
legend show;
grid on;
title('Burn-through Distance vs Frequency');
I hope this answers your query!


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