Object Detection using Yolov3 results : yolo insert of multiple boxes for the same object
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ahcen aliouat
on 9 Mar 2022
Commented: ahcen aliouat
on 29 Apr 2022
Hello Matlabers,
I am usong YOLO v3 on matlab 2021a to recognize objects using YOLOv3 detector pretrained on COCO dataset.
the detector initiation is performed as:
name = 'tiny-yolov3-coco';
detector = yolov3ObjectDetector(name);
after the detection , I insert the bounding boxes using insertObjectAnnotation function
my problem is that the detector shows multiple boxes for the same object as shown in the image bellow
I am using grayscale image with replicated channels as Image=[gray, gray, gray]
the detection part is performed as follow:
[bboxes,scores,labels] = detect(detector,Image);
detected = insertObjectAnnotation(Image,'rectangle',bboxes,strcat(string(labels),{' - '},num2str(scores)));
what could be the problem and what are the possible solutions?
Accepted Answer
Vivek Akkala
on 28 Apr 2022
You can use selectStrongestBboxMulticlass to suppress the detections. Try lowering the "OverlapThreshold" of selectStrongestBboxMulticlass function. Following is the reference code:
[updatedBboxes, updatedScores, updatedClassNames] = selectStrongestBboxMulticlass(bboxes, scores, labels ,...
'RatioType', 'Union', 'OverlapThreshold', 0.3);
bboxes, scores and lables in the above code can be obtained from the detect(detector,image).
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