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resize a matrix (1x30) to (1x25)

1 view (last 30 days)
Naema on 25 Nov 2014
Edited: Orion on 25 Nov 2014
Hi: I have (g) a matrix with size (1x30) and wanted to resize it to (1x25), how can I do this? I think I should keep the min and max numbers in order not to destroy the data and somehow average the numbers in middle to get red of 5 numbers. Can someone here assist me with this? thanks

Accepted Answer

Orion on 25 Nov 2014
Edited: Orion on 25 Nov 2014
you could use interp1
g = rand(1,30);
newx = linspace(1,30,25);
newg = interp1(g,newx);
hold on;

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