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fminunc optimization with k-fold validation

3 views (last 30 days)
Actually i wanted to do simultaneously fminunc optimization and k-fold validation on my data with objective function.
do anybody have any idea about it,any demo/sample code/similar type of work/lecture material/reading material.
Please reply

Answers (1)

Shubham on 15 Apr 2024
Hi Durga,
Combining fminunc for optimization with k-fold validation in MATLAB is a sophisticated approach that can be used for hyperparameter tuning or model selection in various machine learning or statistical modeling tasks. Here's a conceptual overview and a basic example to guide you through this process.
Conceptual Overview
  1. Define an objective function that fminunc will minimize. This function should compute the k-fold cross-validation error for the given hyperparameters.
  2. Within the objective function, implement k-fold cross-validation. For each fold, train your model on the training set and evaluate it on the validation set. The objective function returns the average error across all folds.
  3. Use fminunc to find the hyperparameters that minimize the average k-fold cross-validation error.
Suppose you are optimizing a simple model's hyperparameter, like the regularization strength of a regression model. The following code outlines how you might structure this:
Step 1: Define the Objective Function
function avgError = objectiveFunction(hyperparams, X, y, k)
% Initialize error tracking
errors = zeros(k, 1);
% Generate k-fold CV indices
indices = crossvalind('Kfold', y, k);
for i = 1:k
% Split data into training and validation sets
test = (indices == i); train = ~test;
Xtrain = X(train, :); ytrain = y(train, :);
Xtest = X(test, :); ytest = y(test, :);
% Train model using training set and current hyperparameters
% For demonstration, assuming a simple linear model
model = trainModel(Xtrain, ytrain, hyperparams);
% Evaluate model on validation set
predictions = predictModel(model, Xtest);
errors(i) = mean((predictions - ytest).^2); % Example: mean squared error
% Objective function returns the average error across all folds
avgError = mean(errors);
Step 2: Train Model Function (Simplified Example)
function model = trainModel(X, y, hyperparams)
% Example training process affected by hyperparameters
% This could be a place where regularization strength is applied
% For simplicity, this is just a placeholder
model = fitlm(X, y); % Simple linear model fit
Step 3: Prediction Function (Simplified Example)
function predictions = predictModel(model, X)
% Generate predictions from the model
predictions = predict(model, X);
Step 4: Optimize Hyperparameters Using fminunc
% Example data (X, y) and k for k-fold
X = rand(100, 10); % 100 samples, 10 features
y = rand(100, 1); % 100 target values
k = 5; % 5-fold cross-validation
% Initial guess for hyperparameters
initialHyperparams = 0.01;
% Optimization options
options = optimoptions('fminunc', 'Display', 'iter', 'Algorithm', 'quasi-newton');
% Run optimization
[optimalHyperparams, fval] = fminunc(@(hyperparams) objectiveFunction(hyperparams, X, y, k), initialHyperparams, options);
fprintf('Optimal Hyperparameters: %f\n', optimalHyperparams);
fprintf('Minimum Average K-Fold Error: %f\n', fval);
  • You'll need to customize the trainModel and predictModel functions based on your specific model and how hyperparameters influence it.
  • If your hyperparameters must satisfy certain constraints (e.g., being positive), consider using fmincon instead of fminunc.
  • This approach can be computationally intensive, especially for complex models or large datasets. Parallel computing or more efficient model training methods might be necessary for practical use.
This example provides a framework that you can adapt to your specific needs, whether you're working with regression, classification, or other predictive modeling tasks.

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