What operations/functions can I use to speed up these nested for loops?

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I tried to solve my problem very sequentially. I know that I am doing this incorrectly (inefficiently), and I need a push in the right direction. If looking at this makes you cry, I apologize and promise to do better with the knowledge bestowed (hopefully) upon me after receiving help.
in the snippet below, source_r and source_c are the rows and colums of a pixel which I deem to be a 'heat source'. from each source is a normal curve radiating in all directions. A pixel some distance away is affected by this source and has a value corresponding to the normal curve.
for c = 1:100
for r = 1:100
for i = 1:length(source_r)
dist = sqrt(((r - source_r(i))^2 +(c - source_c(i))^2));
normvalue = 1-1/(sig*sqrt(2*pi()))*e^(-(sqrt(dist)-mean)^2/(2*sig^2));
Z(c,r) = Z(c,r) + normvalue;
Works fine for 10,000 pixels, (100x100) but eventually I need to do it on 2 million. Attached below is an example of what I want to end up with.
What kind of functions should I use to simplify my loops?
DGM on 26 Aug 2021
Yeah. I noticed that. That's why i got rid of the comment. What values for sig and mean are you using?
Aaron Liao
Aaron Liao on 26 Aug 2021
Thought it would be useful to @ you just to have some discussion. At the moment, those are arbitrary as I really don't have a good idea of how the heat actually spreads in the sample that I'm trying to model. For this sig = 20, and mean = 10.

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Accepted Answer

DGM on 26 Aug 2021
Edited: DGM on 26 Aug 2021
Try this:
A = im2double(rgb2gray(imread('eyetest.png')));
avg = 10;
sig = 20;
% create gaussian filter
r = sig*5;
xx = -r:r;
yy = xx.';
R = sqrt(xx.^2 + yy.^2);
k = 1/(sig*sqrt(2*pi));
f = 1-k*exp(-(sqrt(R)-avg).^2/(2*sig^2));
% f = sum(f(:)); % do you want to normalize?
% apply filter
Z = imfilter(A,f);
That should reduce exec time by about 95-98%
You can use immse() to compare the results to yours (should be near zero), though bear in mind that you'll need to fix
Z(c,r) = Z(c,r) + normvalue;
to Z(r,c) so that your image isn't transposed.
Aaron Liao
Aaron Liao on 31 Aug 2021
Hey so turns out, what I was looking for was not the filter function. I believe that what I was describing was actually convolution with the mask being a normal curve. This makes a little more sense when considering the final value of each pixel given its surrounding values added as a function of the distance from the sources around it.
Just thought I'd share. Thanks for your help again!
DGM on 31 Aug 2021
Edited: DGM on 31 Aug 2021
By default, imfilter() does correlation, but it can also do convolution. In this context, the only difference between the two is a 180 degree rotation of the gaussian. Since the gaussian is rotationally symmetric, the result should be the same. IIRC, both conv2 and imfilter default to doing zero-padding for edge treatment, but imfilter has other options. For the most part, you can think of imfilter as a wrapper for conv2 with a bunch of extra convenience options.
You're right though. Each point is the integral of a product of two curves -- convolution should come to mind.

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