How to do polar plot correctly?
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The task is to plot each group in different symbol and color and show them at their "angle" location in polar plot. This script was used:
factor = 1.2 * 1e-3;
n = 7;
f = [400 200 -10 -200 -300];
symb = ['ro' 'bd' 'gs' 'm^' 'cv' 'r+' 'bx'];
hold on
for nn=1:n
t = (nn-1)*factor;
A = exp(-1i*2*pi*t*f);
[THETA,RHO] = cart2pol(real(A), imag(A));
hold off
However this was what it output. Obviously this is not correct, no polar graph and no color symbol. Something must be wrong.
Above, if no color used by using the script below, it plot as the second graph below:
symb = ['o' 'd' 's' '^' 'v' '+' 'x'];
Thank you for pointing out the mistake.

Accepted Answer
Dishant Arora
on 24 Jun 2014
Edited: Dishant Arora
on 24 Jun 2014
Define your symb a cell array that is
symb = {'ro' 'bd' 'gs' 'm^' 'cv' 'r+' 'bx'}
To know where you went wrong, check out the echo of following command at command window:
symb = ['ro' 'bd' 'gs' 'm^' 'cv' 'r+' 'bx']
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