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Find the maximum number and its location in the matrix

2 views (last 30 days)
Right now I have this matrix K
K =
-3 -8 6 -3 -8 6 9 24 -18
-5 10 -9 -5 10 -9 15 -30 27
8 4 9 8 4 9 -24 -12 -27
-9 -24 18 12 32 -24 3 8 -6
-15 30 -27 20 -40 36 5 -10 9
24 12 27 -32 -16 -36 -8 -4 -9
9 24 -18 -15 -40 30 0 0 0
15 -30 27 -25 50 -45 0 0 0
-24 -12 -27 40 20 45 0 0 0
I wonder how I can use any method to find the maximum number and its location from this matrix.
It would be great if anyone can help me with this
Thank you very much :)

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 7 Dec 2013
Really really easy, and pretty much the same algorithm any any programming language, like others that you may know. Hint:
[rows, columns] = size(K)
maxValue = -inf;
rowAtMax = 0;
colAtMax = 0;
for column = 1 : columns
for row = 1 : rows
if K(........
There, it's practically all done for you.

More Answers (2)

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 7 Dec 2013
Edited: Andrei Bobrov on 7 Dec 2013
[val,idx] = max(K(:));
[ir,ic] = ind2sub(size(K),idx);

Cb on 29 Apr 2015
Im after a similar function in a project I'm working on but i can't seem to get this to work..


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