how to discard NaN vectors from a 3D matrix

2 views (last 30 days)
Itzik Ben Shabat
Itzik Ben Shabat on 20 Nov 2013
Answered: ag on 27 Dec 2024
Hi, I have a 3D matrix. some of its rows/columns/depth vectors can be all NaN. I wish to creat a new matrix which is the same as the original one only without the NaNs. is there a function that can help me do this ? in 2D i used ismember and just substitute them with []. but for the 3D case im stuck. here is an example code of such matrix
( so I want mat(3:6,:,:) as a new matrix)
any ideas? thanks

Answers (1)

ag on 27 Dec 2024
Hi Itzik,
I understand that you are want to remove all slices in your 3D matrix that contain NaN values. You can achieve this by utilizing the "isnan" function in MATLAB.
Below is a code snippet that demonstrates how to accomplish this:
% Identify slices to keep (those without any NaN values)
slicesToKeep = ~any(any(isnan(M), 1), 2);
% Construct the new matrix by retaining only the non-NaN slices
newM = M(:, :, slicesToKeep);
For more details, please refer to the following MathWorks documentation:
Hope this helps!

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