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Kingsbury Q-shift 1-D dual-tree complex wavelet transform

Since R2020a


[A,D] = dualtree(X) returns the 1-D dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DTCWT) of X. The output A is the matrix of real-valued final-level scaling (lowpass) coefficients. The output D is an L-by-1 cell array of complex-valued wavelet coefficients, where L is the level of the transform.

The input X must have at least two samples. The DTCWT is obtained by default down to level floor(log2N), where N is the length of X if X is a vector and the row dimension of X if X is a matrix. If N is odd, X is extended by one sample by reflecting the last element of X.

By default, dualtree uses the near-symmetric biorthogonal filter pair with lengths 5 (scaling filter) and 7 (wavelet filter) for level 1 and the orthogonal Q-shift Hilbert wavelet filter pair of length 10 for levels greater than or equal to 2.

[___,Ascale] = dualtree(X) returns the scaling (lowpass) coefficients at each level.

[___] = dualtree(X,Name,Value) specifies additional options using name-value pair arguments. For example, 'Level',10 specifies a decomposition down to level 10.



collapse all

Load an ECG signal.

load wecg
axis tight

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type line.

Obtain the 4-level dual-tree transform. Return the approximation (lowpass) coefficients at all levels.

[a,d,as] = dualtree(wecg,'Level',4);

Plot the final-level wavelet coefficients from tree A and tree B.

axis tight
title('Tree A')
axis tight
title('Tree B')

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Tree A contains an object of type line. Axes object 2 with title Tree B contains an object of type line.

Plot the lowpass coefficients at each level of the transform.

for k=1:4
    axis tight
    title(['Level: ',num2str(k)])

Figure contains 4 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Level: 1 contains an object of type line. Axes object 2 with title Level: 2 contains an object of type line. Axes object 3 with title Level: 3 contains an object of type line. Axes object 4 with title Level: 4 contains an object of type line.

This example shows that small signal shifts do not significantly change the distribution of energy among the DTCWT coefficients at different scales.

Load an ECG signal. The signal has 2048 samples.

load wecg
len = numel(wecg);
axis tight

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type line.

Create two 1-by-3000 zero vectors. Insert the ECG signal into different segments of each zero vector.

shift1 = 328;
shift2 = 368;
vec1 = zeros(1,3000);
vec2 = zeros(1,3000);
vec1(shift1+[1:len]) = wecg;
vec2(shift2+[1:len]) = wecg;

Obtain the dual-tree transform of both vectors. Use default settings.

[a1,d1] = dualtree(vec1);
[a2,d2] = dualtree(vec2);

Compute the energy at each scale for both decompositions. Note that the energy distribution of the shifted signals across all scales remains approximately the same.

energy1 = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)(sum(abs(x).^2)),d1,'uni',0));
energy2 = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)(sum(abs(x).^2)),d2,'uni',0));
levels =cell(numel(energy1),1);
for k=1:numel(energy1)
    levels{k} = sprintf('Level %d',k);
energies = table(levels,energy1,energy2)
energies=11×3 table
       levels       energy1    energy2
    ____________    _______    _______

    {'Level 1' }    16.014     16.014 
    {'Level 2' }    19.095     19.095 
    {'Level 3' }     35.99      35.99 
    {'Level 4' }    25.141     25.065 
    {'Level 5' }     16.81     17.452 
    {'Level 6' }    9.7078      9.161 
    {'Level 7' }    2.3201     2.0513 
    {'Level 8' }    8.3808     8.4197 
    {'Level 9' }    23.006      22.56 
    {'Level 10'}    70.764     73.964 
    {'Level 11'}    64.097     59.022 

Input Arguments

collapse all

Input data, specified as a real-valued vector, matrix, or timetable. The input X must have at least two samples. If X is a timetable, it can contain a single vector or matrix variable, or it can contain multiple variables, each containing a column vector. If X is a matrix, dualtree operates on the columns of X.

Data Types: double | single

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: 'LevelOneFilter','antonini','Level',4

Level of decomposition, specified as a positive integer less than or equal to floor(log2N), where N is the length of X if X is a vector and the row dimension of X if X is a matrix. If unspecified, Level defaults to floor(log2N).

Biorthogonal filter to use in the first-level analysis, specified as:

  • 'legall' — LeGall 5/3 filter [3]

  • 'nearsym13_19' — (13,19)-tap near-orthogonal filter [2]

  • 'nearsym5_7' — (5,7)-tap near-orthogonal filter [1]

  • 'antonini' — (9,7)-tap Antonini filter [1]

By default, dualtree uses 'nearsym5_7', the near-symmetric biorthogonal filter pair with lengths 5 (scaling filter) and 7 (wavelet filter).

Orthogonal Hilbert Q-shift analysis filter pair length to use for levels 2 and higher, specified as one of the listed values [2]. By default, dualtree uses the orthogonal Q-shift Hilbert wavelet filter pair of length 10.

Output Arguments

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Final-level approximation coefficients, returned as a real-valued vector if X is a vector, or a matrix if X is a multisignal. The approximation coefficients are the final-level scaling (lowpass) coefficients. If X is a matrix, the column dimensions of X and A are equal.

Wavelet coefficients, returned as an L-by-1 cell array of complex-valued wavelet coefficients, where L is the level of the transform. The real parts of the coefficients are from tree A, and the imaginary parts are from tree B. If X is a matrix, each element of D is a matrix whose column dimension equals the column dimension of X.

Approximation coefficients at each level of the transform, returned as an L-by-1 cell array of real-valued scaling (lowpass) coefficients, where L is the level of the transform. If X is a matrix, each element of D is a matrix whose column dimension equals the column dimension of X.


[1] Antonini, M., M. Barlaud, P. Mathieu, and I. Daubechies. “Image Coding Using Wavelet Transform.” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 1, no. 2 (April 1992): 205–20.

[2] Kingsbury, Nick. “Complex Wavelets for Shift Invariant Analysis and Filtering of Signals.” Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 10, no. 3 (May 2001): 234–53.

[3] Le Gall, D., and A. Tabatabai. “Sub-Band Coding of Digital Images Using Symmetric Short Kernel Filters and Arithmetic Coding Techniques.” In ICASSP-88., International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 761–64. New York, NY, USA: IEEE, 1988.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2020a