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Import and store tire measurement data

Since R2023b


    Use a tireData object to store tire measurement data from one or multiple Tyre Data Exchange Format (TYDEX) files.


    TYDEX file version 1.3 is required.



    d = tireData() creates an empty tireData object.

    d = tireData(filepath) imports data from one or multiple TYDEX v1.3 files and stores data in one or multiple tireData objects.

    Input Arguments

    expand all

    File path, specified as an array of strings to one or multiple TYDEX v1.3 files.

    Object Functions

    coordinateTransformPerform coordinate transformation on tire data channels
    cropRemove data from tireData object
    downsampleDecrease sample rate of tireData object by integer factor
    filterApply filter to tireData object data channels
    meanAssign mean value of tire data channel in tireData object to entire tire data channel array
    medianAssign median value of tire data channel in tireData objects to entire tire data channel array
    plotPlot tire data
    splitSplit single tireData object into array of tireData objects
    structConvert tire data to structure
    tableCreate table from tire data
    summaryTableApplies statistical measure to each data channel in tire data

    Version History

    Introduced in R2023b

    See Also

