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(Not Recommended) Arrays for statistical data

The dataset data type is not recommended. To work with heterogeneous data, use the MATLAB® table data type instead. See MATLAB table documentation for more information.


Dataset arrays are used to collect heterogeneous data and metadata including variable and observation names into a single container variable. Dataset arrays are suitable for storing column-oriented or tabular data that are often stored as columns in a text file or in a spreadsheet, and can accommodate variables of different types, sizes, units, and so on.

Dataset arrays can contain different kinds of variables, including numeric, logical, character, string, categorical, and cell. However, a dataset array is a different class than the variables that it contains. For example, even a dataset array that contains only variables that are double arrays cannot be operated on as if it were itself a double array. However, using dot subscripting, you can operate on variable in a dataset array as if it were a workspace variable.

You can subscript dataset arrays using parentheses much like ordinary numeric arrays, but in addition to numeric and logical indices, you can use variable and observation names as indices.



A = dataset(varspec,Name=Value) creates dataset array A using the workspace variable input method varspec and one or more name-value arguments.


A = dataset(File=filename,Name=Value) creates dataset array A from column-oriented data in the text file specified by filename. Variables in A are of type double if data in the corresponding column of the file, following the column header, are entirely numeric; otherwise the variables in A are cell arrays of character vectors. dataset converts empty fields to either NaN (for a numeric variable) or the empty character vector (for a character-valued variable). dataset ignores insignificant white space in the file. You cannot specify both a file and workspace variables as input.


A = dataset(XLSFile=filename,Name=Value) creates dataset array A from column-oriented data in the Excel® spreadsheet specified by Name=Value. Variables in A are of type double if data in the corresponding column of the spreadsheet, following the column header, are entirely numeric; otherwise the variables in A are cell arrays of character vectors.


A = dataset(XPTFile=filename,Name=Value) creates a dataset array from a SAS® XPORT format file. Variable names from the XPORT format file are preserved. Numeric data types in the XPORT format file are preserved but all other data types are converted to cell arrays of character vectors. The XPORT format allows for 28 missing data types. dataset represents these in the file by an upper case letter, '.' or '_'. dataset converts all missing data to NaN values in A.

Input Arguments

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Workspace variable input method, specified as one or more of the following values:

  • Workspace variable var. The dataset function uses the workspace name for the variable name in A. To include multiple variables, specify var_1,var_1,...,var_N. Variables can be arrays of any size, but all variables must have the same number of rows. var can also be an expression. In this case, dataset creates a default name automatically.

  • Cell array containing a workspace variable, var and a variable name, name, such as {var,name}. dataset uses name as the variable name. To include multiple variables and names, specify {var_1,name_1},{var_2,name_2},...,{var_N,name_N}.

  • m-columned workspace variable var, such as {var,name_1,...name_m}. dataset uses the names name_1,...name_m as variable names. Include a name for every column in var. Each column becomes a separate variable in A.

You can combine these input methods to include as many variables and names as needed. Names must be valid, unique MATLAB identifiers.

Name of text file, Excel spreadsheet, or SAS XPORT format file, specified as a string or a character vector.

Data Types: string | char

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: patients = dataset(File="hospital.dat",Delimiter=',',ReadObsNames=true)

Names of m variables in the resulting dataset, specified as a string array or cell array. Names must be valid, unique MATLAB identifiers. The number of names must equal the number of variables in A. Do not use VarNames if you provide names for individual variables using {var,name} pairs. To specify VarNames when using a file as an input, set ReadVarNames to false.

Example: {name_1,...,name_m}

Data Types: string | cell

Names of n observations in the resulting dataset, specified as a string array or cell array. The names do not need to be valid MATLAB identifiers, but they must be unique. The number of names must equal the number of observations (rows) in A. To specify ObsNames when using a file as input, set ReadObsNames to false.

Example: {name_1,...,name_n}

Data Types: string | cell

Text Files Only

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Character separating columns in the file, specified as a string scalar or character vector. Available characters are:

  • '\t' (tab, the default when no format is specified)

  • ' ' (space, the default when a format is specified)

  • ',' (comma)

  • ';' (semicolon)

  • '|' (bar)

Data Types: string | char

Format parameter for textscan, specified as a string scalar or character vector. dataset reads the file using textscan, and creates variables in A according to the conversion specifiers in the format parameter. You can also provide any name-value arguments accepted by textscan. Specifying Format is much faster for large files. If ReadObsNames is true, then format must include a format specifier for the first column of the file.

Data Types: string | char

Number of lines to skip at the beginning of a file, specified as a nonnegative integer.

Data Types: double

Characters to treat as the empty character vector in a numeric column, specified as a string array, character array, or cell array of character vectors. The parameter applies only to numeric columns in the file; dataset does not accept numeric literals, such as '-99'.

Data Types: string | char | cell

Text Files or Excel Spreadsheets

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Indicator for reading variable names from the first row of the file, specified as true or false. If the ReadVarNames value is set to true, dataset reads from the first row of the file, otherwise it does not. If ReadVarNames is true, variable names in the column headers of the file or range (if using an Excel spreadsheet) must not be empty.

Data Types: logical

Indicator for reading observation names from the first row of the file, specified as false or true.

If ReadObsNames and ReadVarNames are both true, dataset saves the header of the first column in the file or range as the name of the first dimension in A.Properties.DimNames.

When reading from an XPT format file, ReadObsNames determines whether or not to try to use the first variable in the file as observation names. Specify as a logical value (default false). If the contents of the first variable are not valid observation names then dataset reads the variable into a variable of the dataset array and does not set the observation names.

Data Types: logical

Excel Spreadsheets Only

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Sheet number or a quoted sheet name, specified as a positive number, character vector, or string scalar.

Data Types: double | char

Range of cells to read, specified as a character vector or string scalar of the form 'C1:C2' where C1 and C2 are the names of cells at opposing corners of a rectangular region to be read, as for xlsread. By default, the rectangular region extends to the right-most column containing data. If the spreadsheet contains empty columns between columns of data, or if the spreadsheet contains figures or other non-tabular information, specify a range that contains only data.

Data Types: double


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A dataset array D has properties that store metadata (information about your data). Access or assign to a property using P = D.Properties.PropName or D.Properties.PropName = P, where PropName is one of the following:

Description of the dataset array, stored as a character vector.

Data Types: char

Names of the two dimensions of the dataset array, stored as a two-element cell array of character vectors.

Data Types: cell

Names of the observations in the dataset array, stored as a cell array of nonempty, distinct character vectors. This property can be empty. If it is not empty, then the number of character vectors must equal the number of observations.

Data Types: cell

Units of the variables in the dataset array, stored as a cell array of character vectors. This property can be empty. If it is not empty, then the number of character vectors must equal the number of variables. Any individual character vector can be empty for a variable that does not have units defined.

Data Types: cell

Any variable containing additional information to be associated with the dataset array, stored as an array.

Data Types: double

Descriptions of the variables in the dataset array, stored as a cell array of character vectors. This property can be empty. If it is not empty, then the number of character vectors must equal the number of variables. Any individual character vector can be empty for a variable that does not have a description defined.

Data Types: cell

Names of the variables in the dataset array, stored as a cell array of nonempty, distinct character vectors. The number of character vectors must equal the number of variables. The default is the cell array of names for the variables used to create the data set.

Data Types: cell

Object Functions

cat(Not Recommended) Concatenate dataset arrays
cellstr(Not Recommended) Create cell array of character vectors from dataset array
dataset2cell(Not Recommended) Convert dataset array to cell array
dataset2struct(Not Recommended) Convert dataset array to structure
disp(Not Recommended) Display dataset array
double(Not Recommended) Convert dataset variables to double array
end(Not Recommended) Last index in indexing expression for dataset array
export(Not Recommended) Write dataset array to file
get(Not Recommended) Access dataset array properties
horzcat(Not Recommended) Horizontal concatenation for dataset arrays
intersect(Not Recommended) Set intersection for dataset array observations
isempty(Not Recommended) True for empty dataset array
ismember(Not Recommended) Dataset array elements that are members of set
ismissing(Not Recommended) Find dataset array elements with missing values
join(Not Recommended) Merge dataset array observations
length(Not Recommended) Length of dataset array
ndims(Not Recommended) Number of dimensions of dataset array
numel(Not Recommended) Number of elements in dataset array
replaceWithMissing(Not Recommended) Insert missing data indicators into a dataset array
replacedata(Not Recommended) Replace dataset variables
set(Not Recommended) Set and display dataset array properties
setdiff(Not Recommended) Set difference for dataset array observations
setxor(Not Recommended) Set exclusive or for dataset array observations
single(Not Recommended) Convert dataset variables to single array
size(Not Recommended) Size of dataset array
sortrows(Not Recommended) Sort rows of dataset array
stack(Not Recommended) Stack dataset array from multiple variables into single variable
subsasgn(Not Recommended) Subscripted assignment to dataset array
subsref(Not Recommended) Subscripted reference for dataset array
summary(Not Recommended) Print summary of dataset array
union(Not Recommended) Set union for dataset array observations
unique(Not Recommended) Unique observations in dataset array
unstack(Not Recommended) Unstack dataset array from single variable into multiple variables
vertcat(Not Recommended) Vertical concatenation for dataset arrays


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Create a dataset array from workspace variables, including observation names.

load cereal
cereal = dataset(Calories,Protein,Fat,Sodium, ...
cereal.Properties.VarDescription = Variables(4:10,2);

Create a dataset array from a single multi-columned workspace variable. Designate variable names for each column.

load cities
categories = cellstr(categories);
cities = dataset({ratings,categories{:}},...

Load patient data from the CSV file hospital.dat and store the information in a dataset array with observation names given by the first column in the data (patient identification).

patients = dataset(File="hospital.dat", ...
                   Format="%s%s%s%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f", ...
                   Delimiter=',', ...

You can also load the data without specifying a format. dataset automatically creates dataset variables that are either double arrays or cell arrays of character vectors, depending on the contents of the file.

patients = dataset(File="hospital.dat", ...
                   Delimiter=',', ...

Make the {0,1}-valued variable smoke nominal, and change the labels to 'No' and 'Yes'.

patients.smoke = nominal(patients.smoke,{'No','Yes'});

Add new levels to smoke as placeholders for more detailed histories of smokers.

patients.smoke = addlevels(patients.smoke,...
                 {'0-5 Years','5-10 Years','LongTerm'});

Assuming the nonsmokers have never smoked, relabel the 'No' level.

patients.smoke = setlabels(patients.smoke,'Never','No');

Drop the undifferentiated 'Yes' level from smoke. Note that smokers now have an undefined level.

patients.smoke = droplevels(patients.smoke,'Yes');

Set each smoker to one of the new levels, by observation name.

patients.smoke('YPL-320') = '5-10 Years';

Load patient data from a spreadsheet file.

patients = dataset(XLSFile="hospital.xls",ReadObsNames=true);

Load a dataset array from a .mat file.

load hospital
h1 = hospital(1:10,:);
h2 = hospital(:,{'LastName' 'Age' 'Sex' 'Smoker'});

Access and modify metadata.

hospital.Properties.VarNames{4} = 'Wgt';

Create a new dataset variable from an existing one.

hospital.AtRisk = hospital.Smoker | (hospital.Age > 40);

Use individual variables to explore the data.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 14 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers

h3 = hospital(hospital.Age<30,...
   {'LastName' 'Age' 'Sex' 'Smoker'});

Sort the observations based on two variables.

h4 = sortrows(hospital,{'Sex','Age'});


  • To convert numeric arrays, cell arrays, structure arrays, or tables to dataset arrays, you can also use these functions, perspectively:

  • Dataset arrays can contain built-in types or array objects as variables. Array objects must implement each of these:

    • Standard MATLAB parenthesis indexing of the form var(i,...), where i is a numeric or logical vector corresponding to rows of the variable

    • A size method with a dim argument

    • A vertcat method

Version History

Introduced in R2006b

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