Flexible Rectangular Beam
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The Flexible Rectangular Beam block models a slender beam with a rectangular cross-section that can be solid or hollow. The rectangular beam can have small and linear deformations. These deformations include extension, bending, and torsion. The block calculates the beam cross-sectional properties, such as the axial, flexural, and torsional rigidities, based on the geometry and material properties that you specify.
The geometry of the rectangular beam is an extrusion of its cross-section. The beam cross-section, defined in the xy-plane, is extruded along the z-axis. To define the cross-section, you can specify its dimensions in the Geometry section of the block dialog box. The figure shows a solid beam and a hollow beam. The reference frame is located at the centroid of the beam.
This block supports two damping methods and a discretization option to increase the accuracy of the modeling. For more information, see Overview of Flexible Beams.
Stiffness and Inertia Properties
The block provides two ways to specify the stiffness and inertia properties for a beam. To model a beam made of homogeneous, isotropic, and linearly elastic material, in the Stiffness and Inertia section, set the Type parameter to Calculate from Geometry
. Then specify the density, Young’s modulus, and Poisson’s ratio or shear modulus. See the Derived Values parameter for more information about the calculated stiffness and inertia properties.
Alternatively, you can manually specify the stiffness and inertia properties, such as flexural
rigidity and mass moment of inertia density, by setting the Type
parameter to Custom
. Use this option to model a beam that is made
of anisotropic materials. This option decouples the mechanical properties from the beam
cross section so you can specify desired mechanical properties without capturing the details
of the exact cross section, such as fillet, rounds, chamfers, and tapers.
The manually entered stiffness properties must be calculated with respect to the frame located at the bending centroid. The frame must be in the same orientation as the beam reference frame. The stiffness matrix is
is the axial stiffness along the beam.
is the centroidal bending stiffness about the x-axis.
is the centroidal bending stiffness about the y-axis.
is the torsional stiffness.
is the centroidal cross bending stiffness.
The manually entered inertia properties must be calculated with respect to a frame located at the center of mass. The frame must be in the same orientation as the beam reference frame. The mass matrix includes rotatory inertia
is the mass per unit length.
is the mass moment of inertia density about the x-axis.
is the mass moment of inertia density about the y-axis.
is the polar mass moment of inertia density.
is the mass product of inertia density.
The beam block uses the classical beam theory where the relation between sectional strains and stress resultants is
is the axial force along the beam.
is the bending moment about the x-axis.
is the bending moment about the y-axis.
is the torsional moment about the z-axis.
is the axial strain along the beam.
is the bending curvature about the x-axis.
is the bending curvature about the y-axis.
is the torsional twist about the z-axis.
A — Connection frame
Frame by which to connect the beam in a model. In the undeformed configuration, this frame is at half the beam length in the -z direction relative to the origin of the local reference frame.
B — Connection frame
Frame by which to connect the beam in a model. In the undeformed configuration, this frame is at half the beam length in the +z direction relative to the origin of the local reference frame.
Type — Choice of solid or hollow cross-section
(default) | Hollow
Choice of solid or hollow cross-section:
to model a beam with a solid cross-section.Select
to model a beam with a hollow cross-section.
Width — Distance between outer vertical faces of beam
1 m
(default) | positive scalar
Distance between the outer vertical faces of the beam.
Height — Distance between outer horizontal faces of beam
1 m
(default) | positive scalar
Distance between the outer horizontal faces of the beam.
Thickness — Wall thickness of hollow cross-section
0.1 m
(default) | positive scalar
Wall thickness of the hollow cross-section. This parameter specifies the distance between the inner and outer surfaces of the beam.
To enable this parameter, set Type to
Length — Extrusion length of beam
10 m
(default) | positive scalar
Extrusion length of the beam. The beam is modeled by extruding the specified cross-section along the z-axis of the local reference frame. The extrusion is symmetric about the xy-plane, with half of the beam being extruded in the negative direction of the z-axis and half in the positive direction.
Stiffness and Inertia
Type — Method to use to specify stiffness and inertia properties
Calculate from Geometry
(default) | Custom
Method to use to specify the stiffness and inertia properties, specified as Calculate from Geometry
or Custom
When you set the parameter to Calculate from Geometry
, the block
calculates the stiffness and inertia properties based on the specified density,
Young’s modulus, and Poisson’s ratio or shear modulus. Set the parameter to
to manually specify the stiffness and
inertia properties.
Density — Mass per unit volume of material
2700 kg/m^3
(default) | positive scalar
Mass per unit volume of material—assumed here to be distributed uniformly throughout the beam. The default value corresponds to aluminum.
To enable this parameter, under the Stiffness and Inertia
section, set Type parameter to Calculate from
Specify — Elastic properties in terms of which to parameterize the beam
Young's Modulus and Poisson's Ratio
(default) | Young's and Shear Modulus
Elastic properties in terms of which to parameterize the beam. These properties are commonly available from materials databases.
To enable this parameter, under the Stiffness and Inertia
section, set Type parameter to Calculate from
Young's Modulus — Ratio of axial stress to axial strain
70 GPa
(default) | positive scalar
Young's modulus of elasticity of the beam. The greater its value, the stronger the resistance to bending and axial deformation. The default value corresponds to aluminum.
To enable this parameter, under the Stiffness and Inertia
section, set Type parameter to Calculate from
Poisson's Ratio — Ratio of transverse to longitudinal strains
0.33 (default) | scalar in the range [0, 0.5)
Poisson's ratio of the beam. The value specified must be greater than or equal to
and smaller than 0.5
. The default value
corresponds to aluminum.
To enable this parameter, under the Stiffness and Inertia
section, set Type parameter to Calculate from
and set the Specify parameter to
Young's Modulus and Poisson's Ratio.
Shear Modulus — Ratio of shear stress to engineering shear strain
26 GPa
(default) | positive scalar
Shear modulus (or modulus of rigidity) of the beam. The greater its value, the stronger the resistance to torsional deformation. The default value corresponds to aluminum.
To enable this parameter, under the Stiffness and Inertia
section, set Type parameter to Calculate from
and set the Specify parameter to
Young's and Shear Modulus.
Derived Values — Calculated values of mass and stiffness sectional properties
Calculated values of the mass and stiffness sectional properties of the beam. Click Update to calculate and display those values.
The properties given include Centroid and Shear Center. The centroid is the point at which an axial force extends (or contracts) the beam without bending. The shear center is that through which a transverse force must pass to bend the beam without twisting.
The stiffness sectional properties are computed as follows:
Axial Rigidity: EA
Flexural Rigidity: [EIx, EIy]
Cross Flexural Rigidity: EIxy
Torsional Rigidity: GJ
The mass sectional properties are computed as follows:
Mass per Unit Length: ρA
Mass Moment of Inertia Density: [ρIx, ρIy]
Mass Product of Inertia Density: ρIxy
Polar Mass Moment of Inertia Density: ρIp
The equation parameters include:
A — Cross-sectional area
ρ — Density
E — Young's modulus
G — Shear modulus
J — Torsional constant (obtained from the solution of Saint-Venant's warping partial differential equation)
The remaining parameters are the relevant moments of area of the beam. These are calculated about the axes of a centroidal frame—one aligned with the local reference frame but located with its origin at the centroid. The moments of area are:
Ix, Iy — Centroidal second moments of area:
Ixy — Centroidal product moment of area:
Ip — Centroidal polar moment of area:
where xc and yc are the coordinates of the centroid.
Geometric Centroid — Centroid of beam cross section
[0 0] m
(default) | 2-by-1 array
Centroid of the beam cross section, specified as a 2-by-1 array. The array specifies the x and y coordinates of the centroid with respect to the beam reference frame.
To enable this parameter, in the Stiffness and Inertia section, set Type to Custom
Bending Centroid — Intersection of neutral axis and cross section
[0 0] m
(default) | 2-by-1 array
Intersection of the neutral axis and cross section, specified as a 2-by-1 array. The array specifies the x and y coordinates of the centroid with respect to the beam reference frame.
To enable this parameter, in the Stiffness and Inertia section, set Type to Custom
Shear Center — Beam shear center
[0 0] m
(default) | 2-by-1 array
Beam shear center, specified as a 2-by-1 array. The array specifies the x and y coordinates of the point with respect to the beam reference frame.
To enable this parameter, in the Stiffness and Inertia section, set Type to Custom
Axial Rigidity — Resistance against axial deformation
1 Pa*m^2
(default) | scalar
Resistance against the deformation along the beam longitudinal direction, specified as a scalar. This parameter specifies the element of the stiffness matrix.
To enable this parameter, in the Stiffness and Inertia section, set Type to Custom
Flexural Rigidity — Resistance against bending deformations
[1 1] Pa*m^4
(default) | 2-by-1 array
Resistance against bending deformations, specified as a 2-by-1 array. The array specifies the and elements of the stiffness matrix.
To enable this parameter, in the Stiffness and Inertia section, set Type to Custom
Cross Flexural Rigidity — Resistance against bending deformation about x-axis in response to bending moment about the y-axis
0 Pa*m^4
(default) | scalar
Resistance against the bending deformation about the x-axis in response to bending moment about the y-axis, specified as a scalar. This parameter specifies the element of the stiffness matrix.
To enable this parameter, in the Stiffness and Inertia section, set Type to Custom
Torsional Rigidity — Resistance against twisting
1 Pa*m^4
(default) | scalar
Resistance against twisting about the longitudinal axis of the beam, specified as a scalar. This parameter specifies the element of the stiffness matrix.
To enable this parameter, in the Stiffness and Inertia section, set Type to Custom
Center of Mass — Center of Mass
[0 0] m
(default) | 2-by-1 array
Center of mass, specified as a 2-by-1 array. The array specifies the x and y coordinates of the point with respect to the beam reference frame.
To enable this parameter, in the Stiffness and
Inertia section, set Type to
Mass Per Unit Length — Mass per unit length
1 kg/m
(default) | scalar
Mass per unit length, specified as a scalar. This parameter specifies the element of the mass matrix.
To enable this parameter, in the Stiffness and Inertia section, set Type to Custom
Mass Moment of Inertia Density — Resistance against rotation about x
and y
[1 1] kg*m
(default) | 2-by-1 array
Resistance against rotation about the x and y axes, specified as a 2-by-1 array. The array specifies the and elements of the mass matrix.
To enable this parameter, in the Stiffness and
Inertia section, set Type to
Mass Product of Inertia Density — Resistance against rotation about x
-axis due to moment about y
0 kg*m
(default) | scalar
Resistance against rotation about the x-axis due to the moment about the y-axis, specified as a scalar. This parameter specifies the element of the mass matrix.
To enable this parameter, in the Stiffness and
Inertia section, set Type to
Type — Type of damping method
(default) | Uniform Modal
| None
Damping method to apply to the beam:
to model undamped beams.Select
to apply the proportional (or Rayleigh) damping method. This method defines the damping matrix [C] as a linear combination of the mass matrix [M] and stiffness matrix [K]:,
where α and β are the scalar coefficients.
Uniform Modal
to apply the uniform modal damping method. This method applies a single damping ratio to all the vibration modes of the beam. The larger the value, the faster vibrations decay.
Mass Coefficient — Coefficient of mass matrix
0 1/s
(default) | nonnegative scalar
Coefficient, α, of the mass matrix. This parameter defines damping proportional to the mass matrix [M].
To enable this parameter, set Type to
Stiffness Coefficient — Coefficient of stiffness matrix
0.001 s
(default) | nonnegative scalar
Coefficient, β, of the stiffness matrix. This parameter defines damping proportional to the stiffness matrix [K].
To enable this parameter, set Type to
Damping Ratio — Damping ratio for uniform modal damping method
0.01 (default) | unitless nonnegative scalar
Damping ratio, ζ, applied to all beam vibration modes in the uniform modal damping model. The larger the value, the faster beam vibrations decay.
Use ζ = 0 to model undamped beams.
Use ζ < 1 to model underdamped beams.
Use ζ = 1 to model critically damped beams.
Use ζ > 1 to model overdamped beams.
To enable this parameter, set Type to Uniform
Data Types: double
Number of Elements — Number of beam finite elements
1 (default) | positive integer
Number of finite elements in the beam model. Increasing the number of elements always improves accuracy of the simulation. But practically, at some point, the increase in accuracy is negligible when there are many elements. Additionally, a higher number of elements increases the computational cost and slows down the speed of the simulation.
Reduction — Method to model flexible bodies
(default) | Modally Reduced
Method to use to model flexible bodies, specified as
or Modally
. Set the parameter to None
to use full nodal elastic coordinates generated by the finite-element method or
set the parameter to Modally Reduced
to use the modal
transformation method to reduce the elastic coordinates of the body. For both
settings, the block uses the floating frame of the reference formulation [1-2]
to couple the body with its elastic deformation.
Number of Retained Modes — Retained modes
1 (default) | nonnegative integer
Retained modes, specified as an integer in range [0, n], where n is the number of elastic degrees of freedom of the body. If you set the number to 0 the flexible body is treated as a rigid body.
To enable this parameter, set Reduction to Modally
Type — Graphic to use in the visualization of beam
From Geometry
(default) | None
Type of the visual representation of the beam, specified as From Geometry
or None
. Set the parameter to From Geometry
to show the visual representation of the beam. Set the parameter to None
to hide the beam in the model visualization.
Visual Properties — Parameterizations for color and opacity
(default) | Advanced
Parameterizations for specifying visual properties. Select Simple
to specify Color and Opacity. Select Advanced
to specify more visual properties, such as Specular Color, Ambient Color, Emissive Color, and Shininess.
To enable this parameter, set Type to From Geometry
Color — Color of light due to diffuse reflection
[0.5 0.5 0.5] (default) | 3-by-1 or 1-by-3 vector with values in the range of 0 to 1 | 4-by-1 or 1-by-4 vector with values in the range of 0 to 1
Color of the graphic under direct white light, specified as an [R G B] or [R G B A] vector on a 0–1 scale. An optional fourth element (A) specifies the color opacity on a scale of 0–1. Omitting the opacity element is equivalent to specifying a value of 1.
To enable this parameter, set:
Type to
From Geometry
Visual Properties to
Opacity — Graphic opacity
1.0 (default) | scalar in the range of 0 to 1
Graphic opacity, specified as a scalar in the range of 0 to 1. A scalar of 0 corresponds to completely transparent, and a scalar of 1 corresponds to completely opaque.
To enable this parameter, set:
Type to
From Geometry
Visual Properties to
Diffuse Color — Color of light due to diffuse reflection
[0.5 0.5 0.5] (default) | 3-by-1 or 1-by-3 vector with values in the range of 0 to 1 | 4-by-1 or 1-by-4 vector with values in the range of 0 to 1
Color of the light due to diffuse reflection, specified as an [R,G,B] or [R,G,B,A] vector with values in the range of 0 to 1. The vector can be a row or column vector. The optional fourth element specifies the color opacity. Omitting the opacity element is equivalent to specifying a value of 1.
The diffuse color reflects the main color of the rendered beam and provides shading that gives the rendered object a three-dimensional appearance.
To enable this parameter, set:
Type to
From Geometry
Visual Properties to
Specular Color — Color of light due to specular reflection
[0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0] (default) | 3-by-1 or 1-by-3 vector with values in the range of 0 to 1 | 4-by-1 or 1-by-4 vector with values in the range of 0 to 1
Color of the light due to specular reflection, specified as an [R,G,B] or [R,G,B,A] vector with values in the range of 0 to 1. The vector can be a row or column vector. The optional fourth element specifies the color opacity. Omitting the opacity element is equivalent to specifying a value of 1. This parameter changes the color of the specular highlight, which is the bright spot on the rendered beam due to the reflection of the light from the light source.
To enable this parameter, set:
Type to
From Geometry
Visual Properties to
Ambient Color — Color of ambient light
[0.15 0.15 0.15 1.0] (default) | 3-by-1 or 1-by-3 vector with values in the range of 0 to 1 | 4-by-1 or 1-by-4 vector with values in the range of 0 to 1
Color of the ambient light, specified as an [R,G,B] or [R,G,B,A] vector with values in the range of 0 to 1. The vector can be a row or column vector. The optional fourth element specifies the color opacity. Omitting the opacity element is equivalent to specifying a value of 1.
Ambient light refers to a general level of illumination that does not come directly from a light source. The ambient light is light that has been reflected and re-reflected so many times that it is no longer coming from any particular direction. You can adjust this parameter to change the shadow color of the rendered beam.
To enable this parameter, set:
Type to
From Geometry
Visual Properties to
Emissive Color — Self-illumination color
[0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0] (default) | 3-by-1 or 1-by-3 vector with values in the range of 0 to 1
Color due to self illumination, specified as an [R,G,B] or [R,G,B,A] vector in the range of 0 to 1. The vector can be a row or column vector. The optional fourth element specifies the color opacity. Omitting the opacity element is equivalent to specifying a value of 1.
The emission color is color that does not come from any external source, and therefore seems to be emitted by the beam itself. When a beam has an emissive color, the beam can be seen even if there is no external light source.
To enable this parameter, set:
Type to
From Geometry
Visual Properties to
Shininess — Highlight sharpness
75 (default) | scalar with value constrained to 0–128
Sharpness of the specular light reflections, specified as a scalar number on a 0–128 scale. Increase the shininess value for smaller but sharper highlights. Decrease the value for larger but smoother highlights.
To enable this parameter, set:
Type to
From Geometry
Visual Properties to
Show Port A — Show port A for connection to other blocks
on (default) | off
Select to expose the A port.
Show Port B — Show port B for connection to other blocks
on (default) | off
Select to expose the B port.
New Frame — Create custom frame for connection to other blocks
Click the Create button to open a pane for creating a new
body-attached frame. In this pane, you can specify the name, origin, and
orientation for the frame.
To name the custom frame, click the text field of the Frame Name parameter. The name identifies the corresponding port on the beam block and in the tree view pane of the Mechanics Explorer.
To select the Frame Origin for the custom frame, use one of the following methods:
At Reference Frame Origin: Make the new frame origin coincident with the origin of the reference frame of the undeformed beam.
Based on Geometric Feature: Make the new frame origin coincident with the center of the selected undeformed geometry feature. Valid features include surfaces, lines, and points. Select a feature from the visualization pane, then click Use Selected Feature to confirm the location of the origin. The name of the origin location appears in the field below this option.
To define the orientation of the custom frame, under the Frame Axes section, select the Primary Axis and Secondary Axis of the custom frame and then specify their directions.
Use the following methods to select a vector for specifying the directions of the primary and secondary axes. The primary axis is parallel to the selected vector and constrains the remaining two axes to its normal plane. The secondary axis is parallel to the projection of the selected vector onto the normal plane.
Along Reference Frame Axis: Selects an axis of the reference frame of the undeformed beam.
Based on Geometric Feature: Selects the vector associated with the chosen geometry feature of the undeformed beam. Valid features include surfaces and lines. The corresponding vector is indicated by a white arrow in the visualization pane. You can select a feature from the visualization pane and then click Use Selected Feature to confirm the selection. The name of the selected feature appears in the field below this option.
FrameN — Edit or delete existing custom frame
frame name
Frames that you have created. N
is a unique identifying
number for each custom frame.
Click the text field to edit the name of an existing custom frame.
Click the Edit button
to edit other aspects of the custom frame, such as origin and axes.
Click the Delete button
to delete the custom frame.
To enable this parameter, create a frame by clicking New Frame.
[1] Shabana, Ahmed A. Dynamics of Multibody Systems. Fourth edition. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
[2] Agrawal, Om P., and Ahmed A. Shabana. “Dynamic Analysis of Multibody Systems Using Component Modes.” Computers & Structures 21, no. 6 (January 1985): 1303–12. https://doi.org/10.1016/0045-7949(85)90184-1.
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C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.
Version History
Introduced in R2020a
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