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Class: slreq.ReqSet
Namespace: slreq

Add justifications to requirement set


jt = addJustification(rs)
jt = addJustification(rs, 'PropertyName', PropertyValue)


jt = addJustification(rs) adds a justification jt to the requirement set rs.

jt = addJustification(rs, 'PropertyName', PropertyValue)adds a justification jt to the requirement set rs with additional properties specified by PropertyName and PropertyValue.

Input Arguments

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Requirement set, specified as an slreq.ReqSet object.

Output Arguments

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Justification added to the requirement set rs, returned as an slreq.Justification object.


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This example shows how to add a justification to a requirement set.

Suppose that you have a requirement set rs. Add a justification to the requirement set.

jt1 = addJustification(rs)
jt1 = 

  Justification with properties:

              Id: '70'
         Summary: ''
     Description: ''
        Keywords: [0×0 char]
       Rationale: ''
       CreatedOn: 16-Jan-2018 10:53:28
       CreatedBy: 'John Doe'
      ModifiedBy: 'Jane Doe'
             SID: 76
    FileRevision: 1
      ModifiedOn: 16-Feb-2018 12:50:43
           Dirty: 0
        Comments: [0×0 struct]

Add a justification to the requirement set and specify the summary and description.

jt2 = addJustification(rs, 'Summary', 'New justification', ...
'Description', 'Justify safety requirement')
jt2 = 

  Justification with properties:

              Id: '71'
         Summary: 'New justification'
     Description: 'Justify safety requirement'
        Keywords: [0×0 char]
       Rationale: ''
       CreatedOn: 11-Feb-2018 11:45:12
       CreatedBy: 'John Doe'
      ModifiedBy: 'Jane Doe'
             SID: 77
    FileRevision: 1
      ModifiedOn: 12-Feb-2018 13:01:08
           Dirty: 0
        Comments: [0×0 struct]

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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