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Retrieve data in Requirements Table block

Since R2022a


data = findSymbol(reqTable) returns the data defined in the Requirements Table block, reqTable.

data = findSymbol(reqTable,Name=Value) returns the data and refines the results by using one or more name-value arguments.



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Retrieve the RequirementsTable object from a model named myModel.

table = slreq.modeling.find("myModel");

Retrieve the data in the block as a Symbol object array.

data = findSymbol(table);

In an model named myModel, retrieve the RequirementsTable object.

table = slreq.modeling.find("myModel");

Retrieve only data of data type Single that has a scope of Output.

data = findSymbol(table,Scope="Output",Type="Single");

Input Arguments

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Requirements Table block, specified as a RequirementsTable object.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: findSymbol(table,Complexity="Off") finds data where the Complexity property is set to Off.

Whether the data accepts complex values, specified as one of these values:

"Inherited"The data inherits complexity based on the Scope property. Input and output data inherit complexity from the Simulink® signals connected to the associated input and output ports. Local and parameter data inherit complexity from the parameter to which the data is bound.
"Off"The data is a real number.

The data is a complex number.

Data Types: enumerated

Whether the data is a design model output, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). This property applies only when the Scope property is Input. For more information, see Treat as design model output for analysis.

Data Types: logical

Name of the data, specified as a string scalar or character vector.

Data Types: char | string

Scope of the data that specifies where the data resides in memory relative to the block, specified as one of these values:


The data is an input signal to a Requirements Table block.


The data is an output signal of a Requirements Table block.


The data is defined in the current block only.


The data is a read-only constant value that is visible to the block.


The data resides in a variable of the same name in the MATLAB® workspace, the model workspace, or in the workspace of a masked subsystem that contains this block.

Data Types: enumerated

Size of the data, specified as a string scalar or character vector. This property must resolve to a scalar value or a MATLAB vector of values. The default value is "–1", which means that the size is inherited. For more information, see Inherit Size from Simulink (Simulink).

Data Types: char | string

Data type, specified as:

  • "Inherit: Same as Simulink"

  • "double"

  • "single"

  • "half"

  • "int64"

  • "int32"

  • "int16"

  • "int8"

  • "uint64"

  • "uint32"

  • "uint16"

  • "uint8"

  • "boolean"

  • "string"

  • "fixdt(1,16,0)"

  • "fixdt(1,16,2^0,0)"

  • "Enum: <class name>"

  • "Bus: <object name>"

To modify the data type properties, use the Symbols pane and Property Inspector. For more information, see Set Data Types in Requirements Table Blocks.

Data Types: enumerated

Output Arguments

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Requirements Table block data, returned as a Symbol object array. The Symbol objects are organized by their time of creation via the array index. You cannot reorganize the data order. For more information on data creation, see Define Data in Requirements Table Blocks.

Version History

Introduced in R2022a

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