Parameters and Procedures
Prepare your design for generating a real-time application by updating your Simulink model. Select a fixed-step solver and select Simulink Real-Time™ as the code generator target. Extend your Simulink model with blocks from the Speedgoat I/O Blockset or the Simulink Real-Time block library. Make signal connections between these driver blocks and other blocks in your model, then build the real-time application.
Note that Speedgoat® does not have configurable TLC Command-Line Options.
Model Settings
Log level | Selects filtering level for system log messages (Since R2020b) |
Force polling mode | Enables polling mode — instead of interrupt-driven mode — for clocking the real-time application (Since R2020b) |
Max file log runs | Selects the number of file log runs to retain for the real-time application (Since R2020b) |
Compile with GCC -ffast-math | Enables the GCC compiler -ffast-math option when compiling
real-time application code (Since R2020b) |
Stop time | Simulation stop time |
Application | Represent application files on development computer (Since R2020b) |
addParamSet | Add a parameter set to a real-time application (Since R2021a) |
coder.asap2.export | Generate ASAP2 (A2L) file according to ASAM MCD-2 MC standards (Since R2021a) |
extractASAP2 | Extract generated A2L file from real-time application file (Since R2020b) |
getInformation | Get real-time application information (Since R2020b) |
getParameters | Get real-time application parameters (Since R2020b) |
getRootLevelInports | Returns root level inports in application (Since R2022a) |
getSignals | Get real-time application signals (Since R2020b) |
updateASAP2 | Pack the ASAP2 file into application (Since R2022b) |
updateAutoSaveParameterSetOnStop | Update the auto save parameter set on stop for an application (Since R2022b) |
updateRootLevelInportData | Replace external input data in real-time application with input data (Since R2020b) |
updateStartupParameterSet | Update the startup parameter set for an application (Since R2021a) |
- I/O Driver Blocks
Learn about the Simulink Real-Time I/O library of driver blocks.
- Add I/O Blocks to Simulink Model
Interface with boards by using Simulink Real-Time library blocks.
- Configure Block Parameters
Configure model blocks.
- Define and Update Inport Data
Map root inports to source data.
- Simulink Real-Time Options Pane
Configure initial values for real-time application options.