displays a numbered
list of examples, models, and projects available in databases that match the search term
and prompts you to enter a corresponding number to open any search result. Other options in
the prompt include searchTerm
to quit and m
to see more
Model Finder supports keyword-based searches and natural language queries. When you
enter a search term, Model Finder matches your search term with the model names, example
names, model paths, description, annotation, block names, and block types in the databases
selected for searching. For more information on setting search databases with Model Finder,
see modelfinder.setSearchDatabase
. The search results that appear indented and
prefixed with >
are Simulink® models that are a part of an example or project.
search options using one or more name-value arguments in addition to the input argument
combination in the previous syntax. For example, your search query can be a combination of
the search term and block names.Name=Value