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Data Stores

Define global values for multiple signals at different levels of a model

A large model can require individual signals to route to many separate blocks in different locations in the diagram. You can configure a data store to allow access to signal data from anywhere in a model, similar to a global variable in a computer program. However, as with global variables, data stores can reduce model transparency and make model verification more difficult. To decide whether to use a data store, see Data Store Basics.

To route signals across large models, consider using Goto and From blocks instead of data stores.


Data Store MemoryDefine data store
Data Store ReadRead data from data store
Data Store WriteWrite data to data store


Simulink.SimulationData.DataStoreMemoryContainer for data store logging information
Simulink.SimulationData.BlockPathFully specified block path
Simulink.SimulationData.DatasetAccess logged simulation data or group simulation input data


  • Model Global Data by Creating Data Stores

    Explicitly model a separate piece of global memory by creating a data store.

  • Log Data Stores

    Configure a data store for logging so that you can view the data stored in a simulation run.

  • Data Store Basics

    A data store is a repository to which you can write data, and from which you can read data, without having to connect an input or output signal directly to the data store.

  • Specify Signal Ranges

    Specify the minimum and maximum value that a signal can attain during simulation. Fully specify your design and optimize data types and the generated code by specifying the minimum and maximum value that a signal can attain during simulation.

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