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Author Block Masks

Customize block appearance, user interface, and block diagram

Simulink® enables you to create block masks. A mask is a custom user interface for a block.

By masking a block you encapsulate the block diagram to have its own parameter dialog box with its own block description, parameter prompts, and help texts.

You can mask an independent custom block that you can reuse as unique blocks like those defined in Simulink.

To know about creating a block mask, see Create a Simple Mask.


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Simulink.MaskControl masks programmatically
Simulink.Mask.ConstraintsCreate mask parameter constraint
Simulink.Mask.PortConstraintCreate mask port constraints programmatically (Since R2022a)
Simulink.Mask.ParameterConditionCreate mask parameter conditions (Since R2022a)
Simulink.Mask.PortConstraintRuleCreate instance of Simulink.Mask.PortConstraintRule to define rules of port constraint (Since R2022a)
Simulink.Mask.PortIdentifierCreate port identifiers to identify ports of block in mask object (Since R2022a)
Simulink.Mask.CrossPortConstraintCreates cross-port constraint among ports of the same masked block (Since R2023a)
Simulink.Mask.SharedConstraintFileConstraints that needs to be saved in an XML file (Since R2023a)
Simulink.MaskParameterControl mask parameters programmatically
Simulink.Mask.EnumerationBaseDerive an enumeration class to hold numeric values of any datatype (Since R2021a)
Simulink.Mask.EnumerationTypeOptionsParse information from enumeration file derived from Simulink.IntEnumType and Simulink.Mask.EnumerationBase (Since R2021a)
Simulink.ConstraintManagerManage parameter and port constraints (Since R2024b)
Simulink.dialog.ControlCreate instance of dialog control
Simulink.dialog.ButtonCreate instance of button dialog control
Simulink.dialog.HyperlinkCreate instance of hyperlink dialog control
Simulink.dialog.ImageManage image dialog control
Simulink.dialog.TextManage text dialog control
Simulink.dialog.ListboxControlControl list box programmatically
Simulink.dialog.parameter.ControlCreate a parameter dialog control
Simulink.dialog.parameter.CustomTableCreate custom tables programmatically
Simulink.dialog.TreeControlControl Tree control programmatically
Simulink.dialog.LookupTableControlControl mask lookup tables programmatically (Since R2021b)
Simulink.dialog.LookupTableControl.TableControl table data for mask lookup table (Since R2021b)
Simulink.dialog.LookupTableControl.BreakpointsControl breakpoint data set for mask lookup table (Since R2021b)
Simulink.dialog.ContainerCreate instance of container dialog control
Simulink.dialog.GroupCreate instance of group dialog control
Simulink.dialog.PanelCreate instance of panel dialog control
Simulink.dialog.TabCreate instance of tab dialog control
Simulink.dialog.TabContainerCreate instance of tab container dialog control
Simulink.dialog.MaskPartReferenceCreate and save parameters and dialog controls and reuse them across multiple masked blocks (Since R2024b)


Introduction to Masking

Mask Editor User Interface

Masking Features

Graphical Icon Editor

Mask Callbacks

System Mask

Example Models

Featured Examples

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